Lmao yeah fucking right. The whole point of this post is nobody takes you larper troons seriously. "yOu KnOw WhAt wE dO tO pEdOpHiLeS" - what, share nudes and loli hentai mp4s? It doesn't matter if you look more like the pic on the left or right. You're fake and gay both ways.
But please keep calling everyone a fed, you'll hand over your guns when Jamal and Jose come knocking. And they'll shoot you anyway.
Lmao yeah fucking right. The whole point of this post is nobody takes you larper troons seriously. "yOu KnOw WhAt wE dO tO pEdOpHiLeS" - what, share nudes and loli hentai mp4s? It doesn't matter if you look more like the pic on the left or right. You're fake and gay both ways.
But please keep calling everyone a fed, you'll hand over your guns when Jamal and Jose come knocking. And they'll shoot you anyway.
Jamal and Jose will come knocking on your door because I armed and trained them