I love my Unity mount, people think it’s ugly, that’s not why I have it. I don’t think it looks bad, but I’ve never shot a rifle from low/high ready so effortlessly. No extra movements, couldn’t be happier with it. I don’t run nvg or a peq so I’ll never get the hydra
so gay
so cringe
it's perfect
This borther fucks around to find out the greatest optic positioning.
Hello I am 7 years old and what is this?
Well as a fed, can you please provide your address so we can send you an SR-15 and 5k rounds of ammo?
Where is your anime porn magazine to match the anime porn magazine well?
Otherwise a very fine rifle carry handle master race
Had to be clone correct 😅
Good thing that grip tape is camo.
What grip?
That shitty milking a bull A2 wrapped in cammo gun wrap or camo gorilla tape. The one that makes it an ass salt rifle.
I love my Unity mount, people think it’s ugly, that’s not why I have it. I don’t think it looks bad, but I’ve never shot a rifle from low/high ready so effortlessly. No extra movements, couldn’t be happier with it. I don’t run nvg or a peq so I’ll never get the hydra
Your unity mount is better for night vision anyway