32 this is the way (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 2 years ago by Arohk 2 years ago by Arohk +32 / -0 15 comments download share 15 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Make pew. pew. go pew-pew-pew
That said boy oh boy gave I seen the work people do with dremels.
Like way to absolutely fuck your rifle with Dremel fluting I can't believe you're actually proud of yourself enough to show other people that.
No bubba what is you doing?
Nope I can do better...
Gun stuck in vise- what are you doing step-dremel?
I feel personally insulted…
Don't insult my Dremel-fluted lady! She's beautiful!
How else am I supposed to serialize my 80% lowers?
ok but why would u?
To comply with the government's requests.
is it required to serialize them now?
I want to be a good boy. Get my vaccines, fly my Ukrainian flag, and serialize all my firearms. And now that I think about it, I should just surrender them at the government sponsored gun buyback when the local PD hosts it.
you didn't answer my question, has atf made up a new rule that we have to serialize them now?
https://lmgtfy.app/?q=has+atf+made+up+a+new+rule+that+we+have+to+serialize+firearms&iie=1 Fuck if I know.
Add super glue and hose clamps
Where 3d printer?