I don’t know what the Zip 22 is. Assuming the designers at Kel-Tec were out huffing paint again?
Older rimfire gun designs are best. And they don’t look retarded. Im talkin’ God’s guns - the cowboy actions. Tube-fed lever gats and revolvers work literally every time, even with unreliable rimfire ammo.
You may pretend to like your new-fangled fancy-ass mag-Fed thing-a-ma-plinker that you bought for $700, but you know deep down that the $99 Rough Rider with the Betsy Ross Flag painted on the handle was the better gun.
I remember the original marketing when the top pic rail was pimped to LE as a simple way to mount the zip to a patrol rifle for not as lethal uses.
The whole thing is a shame because I think the main guy cashed out of the business of making high quality colt SAA replicas to bring this steaming pile of failure to market.
I don’t know what the Zip 22 is. Assuming the designers at Kel-Tec were out huffing paint again?
Older rimfire gun designs are best. And they don’t look retarded. Im talkin’ God’s guns - the cowboy actions. Tube-fed lever gats and revolvers work literally every time, even with unreliable rimfire ammo.
You may pretend to like your new-fangled fancy-ass mag-Fed thing-a-ma-plinker that you bought for $700, but you know deep down that the $99 Rough Rider with the Betsy Ross Flag painted on the handle was the better gun.
^^Ian explains the wonder that is the Zip 22
It's a .22 underbarrel attachment
That is a terrible idea. It would block my grenade launcher chainsaw combo
I just realized you can't also mount more things to the bottom of this, I thought that would be a no brainer for the dude that designed these
Even KT isn't that retarded.
I finally landed a S&W 63. The gun is awesome but shit quality ammo will jam it up and stop the cylinder rotation.
I remember the original marketing when the top pic rail was pimped to LE as a simple way to mount the zip to a patrol rifle for not as lethal uses.
The whole thing is a shame because I think the main guy cashed out of the business of making high quality colt SAA replicas to bring this steaming pile of failure to market.
Kind of want one of these now are they still being made?
Oh yeah, 1/12 ftf with .22 is bad.
My deuces rarely have trouble and I use win and blazer bricks
My cheap ass rossi hasn't jammed yet lol