Let's play a joke on all the normies and slowly but surely start trying to convince them .40 is the premium cartridge for professionals.
Seriously. It would be funny AF.
Let's play a joke on all the normies and slowly but surely start trying to convince them .40 is the premium cartridge for professionals.
Seriously. It would be funny AF.
It's wild that .40 was probably the most desirable cartridge a little over 5 years ago and like a switch nobody wants anything to do with it.
Do the Taurus G pistols not come in .40?
Side note my favorite cartridge joke that pisses almost everyone off is,
.357 Sig. The stopping power of 9 with the capacity of .40. Truly a superior round.
Makes for irritation when dealing with new guys working at the gun store who don't know their muzzle from their breech.
Ask for .357 and they come back with 2 boxes of this abomination of a round.
I have the same opinion of this round as I do .45 ACP.
I'd shoot it all day, every day. I'd carry it even. It's a handgun round. If it totally throws your game off to shoot a different caliber, your game is weak and you need to get gooder. But I'll be fucked if I have to pay for it lol.
Agreed. If it yeets I don't sweat the deats. And Get good scrub applies here as in every other aspect of life.
That said, price per round, if I'm paying 357 mag prices I want 357 mag performance.