369 Do you even America bro? (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Petetodd 4 years ago by Petetodd +370 / -1 38 comments download share 38 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
OP is fag
You don't know me, that's my purse!
Fuck commies
Can't be said enough.
You're using it to flip burgers on the grill today, right?
Borgers and dogs
Newgunnit is ATF honeypot confirmed.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I'm trying hard not to make a joke about you and hot dogs since we're just kicking off here. Don't wanna pick all that low hanging fruit. Thanks for getting this shit back up and running. Happy 4th, borther.
All about those white hots
Burgers on the 4th ftw. Good to see you fren.
Legends never die. This is why we're all here together.
fuck yeah!
taken in a Walmart bathroom
Holster and gun cost the same. That's awesomeness.
Also so fucking America.
Holster was like $30 shipped
That's tits man.
Thats a sore dick deal man. You cant beat it.
Ah, yes. Custom faded to match the circa 2000 acid washed jeans
Nice HK
The only thing missing here is tendies bb
Nice feet
My boi got dem $1 wymyn sandals, and the 29¢ Lowes tile
Get a real fawty cal problem solver homo
Why even live?
So this place glows er nah?
All public place glows ya dingus.
Most murican problem solva I've seen
No u