293 Did we just make it to vanhalen Bois? (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Laughing_Coyote 4 years ago by Laughing_Coyote +293 / -0 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
When xbessgunnit went dark I was surprised at how alone I felt. No more borthers, no more.
Me too. It's fucked but sometimes this is the only place I can be myself.
The discord is lit too.
You got a link to the discord? Google doesn’t show me shit
This picture has me strangely aroused.
Be weird if you weren't.
Welcome back borther, shame you can't spell for shit
Shhhhh, we don’t need spelling where we’re going
Jump! Go ahead, jump!
Glad we purged the weebtrash from reddiit.
Aloha shirt checks out! Welcome to the .win fam, Bois!
Hell yeah brother. It's all glawk fowtys and tendies from here on out
Til VanHalen Brotha.
at every .mil funeral
Chicken tendies bag as a mask; noice!
Put zem in ze iron Maiden!
I missed you guys.
I ride to Van Halen all shiny in chrome!!!
Father is that you?
Yes, now stop talking to me