121 Larping or not? What's your take? (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Nunyo_Biznez 4 years ago by Nunyo_Biznez +121 / -0 54 comments download share 54 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
the FAMAS ,G36 and 22AR's give it away
I've always wanted a FAMAS guess I'll take me a trip down to the airsoft shop. (I don't know if thats a thing.)
They are in California, everywhere else it's an unsustainable business model unless you almost entirely rely on online sales.
We have a couple in NTX, they do have cool boog shit like ghillie suits, smoke grenades and a few decent load bearing vests. Wouldn't trust a plate carrier tho.
Because China supplies like 99.97% of the airsoft market.
Lol it was when I was a kid in like the early 2000's, not a sustainable business