76 Is this good defensive ammo? Beginner question (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Ozryel 4 years ago by Ozryel +77 / -1 16 comments download share 16 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Where’s the ratshot you fucks
Need that ratshot for most effective tho
They look a little small. What you want is to let them grow and then make sure they are big enough for a rifle. Then use that to shoot whatever.
Where the fuck can I get one of those patches these days?
When another gorilla is shot because it has information on Hillary Clinton, they'll release a new one.
Probably nowhere
I got this and a few other years ago. A friendly Canadian sent me these over to Germany
I'd love to see new patches
Any ammo you can reliably score hits with is good defensive ammo.
Even .68 Brass Eagle?
You don't reload paintballs with your own piss? Plebian
[Meanwhile, in New Jersey...]
"No, officer, these aren't hollow points - they're blanks. See how the ends are crimped?"
Glances sideways with Muppet eyes at Wadcutters