you can't know for sure of course but you can make reasonable assumptions based on vpn providers who have actually been put in the hot seat by governments (eg expressvpn) or have passed audits by 3rd parties (like nord and several others). my opinion is at least with a vpn you have a chance there's no logs. without a vpn you're guaranteed there's logs from your isp. easy choice if you ask me.
its true vpns aren't a one stop solution but its better than nothing as long as you put in a little bit of effort on top of it. like the video you mentioned outlines, its actually a bit of a chore to maintain true anonymity but totally doable if you really committed to changing your browsing habits.
Condoms are for commies
Man, how’d they do Elmer dirty like that
You're acting like this isnt a big honey pot.
Hey ATF suck my cock, I’m not worried about a bunch of faggots that have desk duty monitoring this site that posts memes.
Does your VPN keep logs? How do you know they aren't lying about not keeping logs?
Extra credit: 4Chan has black listed all known VPN IP addresses from posting. A.K.A a honeypot.
P.s. Defund the ATF! They just spy on losers with toe fetishes all day on tax payer's dime.
you can't know for sure of course but you can make reasonable assumptions based on vpn providers who have actually been put in the hot seat by governments (eg expressvpn) or have passed audits by 3rd parties (like nord and several others). my opinion is at least with a vpn you have a chance there's no logs. without a vpn you're guaranteed there's logs from your isp. easy choice if you ask me.
Very educated response. If your VPN has been taken to court and under penalty of law still can't produce logs, chances are they have no logs!
Private Internet Access is the only one I know who actually stood up in court and said they don't keep logs.
Kitboga (the guy who trolls scammers and hackers) on YouTube has a nice video on how VPNs are essentially not doing all you think they are.
its true vpns aren't a one stop solution but its better than nothing as long as you put in a little bit of effort on top of it. like the video you mentioned outlines, its actually a bit of a chore to maintain true anonymity but totally doable if you really committed to changing your browsing habits.
I use the tor browser, and a VPN. I've heard thats overkill but if it works it works.
I skip the VPN and just make sure that when the alphabet soup wants to finger me they get plenty of dick pics to keep them happy.