The best part about that find was the look on the face of the guy at the local police supply store/ffl's face when he pulled it out of the shipping box, it was a nice mix of horror, shock and disgust which was well worth $33 plus shipping and transfer.
I haven't been able to take it out yet, and I still need to get a mag, everone wants 40 bucks or better and I don't want to spend more on the mag than I did for the gun
Ever been hit in the dick-tip with one of those?
Fuuuuucking hurts.
Nothing like getting your sack caught in the slide
With one of what?
Some kind of bb pistol or such.
It stings like a motherfucker on the johnson tip.
(Nods solemnly)
That's a stallard js9 that I got from an evidence locker auction, like that
Today I learned what a stallard js9 was.
Thanks fren! That's a magnificent find. The orange tip makes it top tier.
The best part about that find was the look on the face of the guy at the local police supply store/ffl's face when he pulled it out of the shipping box, it was a nice mix of horror, shock and disgust which was well worth $33 plus shipping and transfer.
I'll say! I'm slightly jealous.
Does it actually still shoot and such?
I haven't been able to take it out yet, and I still need to get a mag, everone wants 40 bucks or better and I don't want to spend more on the mag than I did for the gun
Learned something new. Mostly wondering how many problems would have remained unsolved if hi point kept the heel mag release....
It does seem like maybe the way for it to have gone for what a hipoint is and does well.
I used to sell them all the time and they sold great and never came back.
That's one of the most collectible dogshit guns. Congrats.
When has it not been?
I thought the goal was to chamber benis.