Half in the Bag did a great review of this movie and one of the best comments was how freaking good this movie holds compared to those sad attempts to revive the genre in the early 2000s. The only joke that won’t be relatable to younger audiences would be the Ford Pinto explosion.
Even some of the later Leslie Nielsen movies were not as good, and that man could make anything funny.
So much flagging, I can't even imagine how many NDs you would get, cleaning is going to be impossible
But no on seems worried about the sharks
I'm in.
And getting drunk by the ocean is just the fucking best.
Something in the saltwater air makes beer and cheeseburgers taste even fucking better.
This is what I mean when I say "good old days"
This needs to be a shirt, patch, hat, etc. The only ATF I support
bestgunnit hall of fame
Holy shit I love this movie. It's literally one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies. Just puts a smile on my face.
My Benelli supernova is also waterproof af. I am so fucking down to try this.
Half in the Bag did a great review of this movie and one of the best comments was how freaking good this movie holds compared to those sad attempts to revive the genre in the early 2000s. The only joke that won’t be relatable to younger audiences would be the Ford Pinto explosion.
Even some of the later Leslie Nielsen movies were not as good, and that man could make anything funny.
My dad actually had a pinto the first few years of my life. From the production date after the explodey ones. Still pretty funny.
I freely admit cult classic movies are as big a vice for me as sweet gats.
This is fucking decent, Ricky!
The whole movie is great!
Is that the movie where someone said “here comes the Big Crapola!” Instead of the Big Kahuna? I vaguely remember that from the 80’s.
I guess this is what trumpy boi meant when he said America was great
Lol skeet shooting with muskets
Ocean Safety 101: Always bring a firearm. Sharks can't bite when they're dead.
Have fun in the sun till the lifeguard takes our ammo awaaaaaay
Your mom skeet surfs