40 Peace was never an option (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Gewehr 4 years ago by Gewehr +46 / -6 15 comments download share 15 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You are exactly what I expect everyone in this sub looks like. Even the meths.
I'll look like a Chad when this swelling goes down. You better keep the cyber bullying to a minimum if you want to be spared of my wrath.
Take it as a compliment. Anyone that’s here is sexy as fuck.
Smart man.
I look like a homeless alcoholic thank you. That man shaves.
The meths have fuller beards.
It's a bleach stain but thanks bro. And my dog is cat sized. Very autistic analysis.
Had jaw surgery the other day. Technically two of them since my lower jaw had to be reworked. Get jaw surgery if you ever want to sweat grease.
You need to grow a beard.
I don't have much choice now. My face hurts
Neither was being straight.
I'm as straight as an arrow!
Fuck, I got scared thinking someone uploaded a photo of me. Turns out it's just another sex machine ready to do some work.