90 Boog On Bois (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by elitemage101 4 years ago by elitemage101 +94 / -4 20 comments download share 20 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Plus he needs glasses and he's like 23. This shit glows and is gay.
Plates are being shipped, don't @ me.
The scorpion is one of my favorite guns of all time. It wasn't even designed by CZ but by laugo arms.
I highly reccomend the Palmetto state armory 35rd mags.
The fucking Klobb bro?
I meant the modern iteration in 9mm.
Though if I had a full auto .32 machine pistol I guarantee I would enjoy it and you would want to shoot it.
Full auto pistols are cool af if not practical.
Yeah, but you know I'd do some degenerate things to own a Beretta 93r.
Sweet tits me too.
He's a medic! That means his gun shoots healing boolits.
That purple luau is stylin'. Where get.
Become a narc.
A black guy holding a gun, that makes me want more gun control!
Said no gun owner ever.
Democrats can eat shit, armed minorities are harder to oppress.
Eat moar tendies.
looking fly my brotha
Sauer ain't lyin'. Move that thing up a bit.
That's a lovely shirt you have there, Sir.
Real Boog Bois wear Aloha shirts.
Larpers like this wear Hawaiian shirts.