Hello fellow fucktards,
This is just a rant. I just think it’s necessary to bring up the fact that some in our midst have decided to join with BLM protesters. This doesn’t seem that bad at first, but as we dig deeper into this we see that these protestors don’t want small government. They want to destroy the current government and install a new one, millions of times more oppressive. There is nothing wrong with standing against racism, but when you do it with people who describe themselves as “trained marxist’s” you don’t just stand against the boot, you stand against basic human rights.
Long live the boog, ~Anon, Milsurp Regiment
Imagine being dumb enough to think the people destroying statues of the founding fathers are on the same side as us.
Yeah either those guys are plants/fakes or literally failed history 101 and never read the Constitution.
What gave it away? Is it when BLM destroyed the statue of black abolitionist, Frederick Douglass? Smh.
The BLM wants to make America, Zimbabwe. Make Rhodesia Great Again. I can't stand commies some of my family fled the Iron Curtain. Fuck Commies.
Did you know every time you say "fuck commies" a rifle gets born?
Can't ever hate commies enough or have too many rifles.
what do I have to say to birth a howitzer
Fuck Tyrants
I think for that you actually have to piss on stalins bones.
(Passes over asparagus and a 40oz)
fuck commies in the most unpleasant way possible
It makes me happy to find others that believe as I do.
I follow this guy on Instagram and he started out just posting cool Boog edits and shit but now he's gone full BLM and constantly posts about how "they're on our side guys!" so yeah he got the unfollow. Fucking ridiculous. Death to commies, death to fascists, death to any authoritarian piece of filth that wants to exert their beliefs on me and trample my liberties. Let em all burn.
Is it tactical_cocaine?
No it's domestic_insurgent
Oh word. I used to follow Tactical_cocaine (he made that time travel meme), but he went all SJW comparing the Portland riots to Hong Kong and defended Garret Foster. Unfollowed his ass as well.
People that compare BLM protests to Hong Kong are fucking delusional. Even if our government tried to take our guns, I still wouldn't compare it to Hong Kong. Yes, I'd be pissed and yes I would fight back, but the U.S. would still be miles ahead of China in terms of freedoms.
Do you know of any non-cucked IG pages to follow? I need something to fill the void after weekendgunnit was shut down.
Here's my list:
IG is FB and it is all garbage.
As i am sitting on the toilet reading this i couldnt agree more, so i just courtesy flushed to express my approval
*flushes in solidarity
Press f to flush
Is that why this place is dead?
Nah I feel like most people just didn't make the move from Reddit. Kind of sad. The mods should have advertised it more.
For real. They should have left the sub up, but restricted new posts and just make posts telling everyone to come here. Oh well.
The retards there think this place is a honey pot for logging IPs while they happily post in reddit and instagram.
Nothing of value was lost. I joined Reddit for td and left along with it, maybe my tastes are unconventional but gunnit was def my 2nd. It may be a tough mix because TDwin is trying to avoid the bad optics that the glowbois promulgate, and focus on sourced information, while at the same time preserving freedom of expression for people that like to pretend they're retarded for the amusement of all.
I will always remember when bestgunnit came to win.
FUWASOME: commie lives don't matter