0 Scratch two merchants (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Pinos_free_helorides 4 years ago by Pinos_free_helorides +18 / -25 8 comments download share 8 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Fuck off with this shit.
Jesus christ go back to stormfront.
Or back to BLM/Antifa. Hard to tell anymore. Troll time.
The original meme says Commies. EDIT: https://weekendgunnit.win/p/GvTimwUb/
OP can fuck right off with the race baiting. 2 white commies were made good. One more got an education.
Lol go march with the commies, faggot
Every guy that got popped was a commie Jew out there being an Antifa militant, you think that’s a coincidence?
Fuck off with your enthnostatist bullshit, dog-fucker.
Any man or woman, be they black, white, or anything in between, may find a friend in me so long as they hold a love of liberty and justice for all in their hearts.
Around here we don't differentiate on skin color. We just laugh hard when commies of any color get shot.
Fuck you racist cuck.