"Still smarter than a commie" if you're not sucking AIDS infected blood from a leper's anus for the nutritional value because your used sex toy business isn't taking off you're smarter than a commie.
Can confirm. 3 separate degrees and I'm still so fucking stupid it hurts. Not joking. Every day realizing what a fucking idiot I am helps me achieve my modest goals.
5 IQ is still higher than anyone who wants to ban guns,
Uncle Scruffy
Autists rise up
Still smarter than a commie with a PhD in fucking their own ass
"So you can teach anthropology? To anthropology majors? Thus continuing the cycle of why bother."
"Still smarter than a commie" if you're not sucking AIDS infected blood from a leper's anus for the nutritional value because your used sex toy business isn't taking off you're smarter than a commie.
Can confirm. 3 separate degrees and I'm still so fucking stupid it hurts. Not joking. Every day realizing what a fucking idiot I am helps me achieve my modest goals.
5 IQ is still higher than anyone who wants to ban guns, Uncle Scruffy
IDK... I think the dumbist tist on here is still smarter then 99% of MSM and antifag and blm and liberal arts majors.
^I thought we were mostly well rounded people that enjoy an outlet for our more retarded tendencies.
(Laughs and masturbates to a PSA catalog)
This isn't a subreddit this is a .win
We are level 5 ie very high brain level
My 3.5 IQ brain is offended by all these 5 IQ big brains
On a good day.