109 Being poor ain't all that bad... (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Coachdds 4 years ago by Coachdds +110 / -1 14 comments download share 14 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Simo Hayah has the highest commie kill count and he used a Mosin Nagant.
With iron sights - like a real man
Uphill in the snow, both ways
Mf had half his face blown off and still lived to kill more commies
Know what he did have? A fucking sling. Which came in handy when he was chased by commie pedo wife beaters.
Every long gun should have a sling
The fucking thing jammed on him and he had to clear a malfunction though. Thankfully he had some practice I guess.
I was honestly pretty impressed with his skills. Multiple shots on target, none into innocent bystanders, and solid fighting skills from the seated position after getting run down
One of those max IQ peaceful protesters grabbed his barrel and aimed it for him. It would inflate your hit-miss ratio a bit.
(Laughs in PSA glory)
I see this meme a lot...
Everyone seems to forget that Garrett "They're too big of pussies to do anything" Foster got put down before Big Kyle came on the scene.
A mosin, a bayonet, and lots of meth. (Cocaine is too $$$)
This picture makes me sad because that long-dong barrel will probably never get chopped down to SBR like God intended