62 There never was a truer American than, Rusty Shackleford... (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by BigPedeEnergy 4 years ago by BigPedeEnergy +62 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Damn, Rusty, you won't protect a non-American atheist? That's cold. :(
Nope sorry bro, you gotta naturalize and, accept Christ into your heart!
I'm down so long as automatics are cool too.
Revolvers are spiffy but my heart always belongs to automatic pistols.
You know I'd do some questionable things to get a 93r.
I want a Ruger Mk2 II so fucking bad man
Is he related to boomhauer?
No relation...