I just stopped into Cabelas today to check it out and as expected ammo was scarce. I picked up some 50AE for my Desert Eagle because I needed to store some up my ass.

While looking around I noticed Cabelas was also basically out of guns. Just a handful of pistols, 4 ARs priced at $2,500, and a bunch of single shot rifles. Their Gun Library was also completely out of pistols and down to just old hunting rifles/shotguns.

Made me start thinking, I should sell some of the extra ARs and pistols I have laying around. If an AR I built 5 years ago for $600 brings me $2k, why the fuck not.

Anyone else in here look at selling guns yet? Is the market really as fucked as my local Cabelas is showing me?

Need more toes. (media.weekendgunnit.win)
posted ago by 20KAG20 ago by 20KAG20