AM_Industries 2 points ago +2 / -0

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

AM_Industries 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a lie. It didn't even take two appletinis to get you face down kitty up last weekend.

AM_Industries 3 points ago +3 / -0

I pledge allegiance to the flag, on the poontang in front of me, and to my benis which stands erect, one Wkndgunnit under JMB, insufferable, with liberty and tendies for all.

AM_Industries 4 points ago +4 / -0

This made a huge difference for me using ammo in my Garand. Now I can have it gassed down just enough to cycle reliably.


AM_Industries 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, I still like him and watch his videos. If I boycotted everyone and everything that had ever insulted something else I enjoyed, I would literally live under a rock.

AM_Industries 2 points ago +2 / -0

Denounced bestgunnit

AM_Industries 3 points ago +3 / -0

On old bestgunnit we had a list of the deities and saints of the gun world.

From my memory:

JMB: The Father

Kalashnikov: The Son

Stoner: The Holy Ghost

Gaston Glock: Patron Saint of Tactical Tupperware

Hickok45: Patron Saint of Pot Smoking

Ian (Forgotten Weapons): Gun Judas

Matt (Demo Ranch): Healer of The Pupper

Paul Harrell: The Coat of Many Pockets

Help me remember or make up the rest boys.

AM_Industries 4 points ago +4 / -0

Burk has since moved to an administrative role within ATF because of the incident and injuries, both physical and psychological, Burk says he suffered

Gets standard Basketball American treatment by the cops, can't handle life anymore. This prove my theory that the vast majority of these alphabet boys are pussies.

AM_Industries 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yis Massa, Thank yous Massa.

AM_Industries 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone on this site is ~at least~ a little faggy.

AM_Industries 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just from personal experience, brandy in a snifter glass works too.

AM_Industries 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh my, a poor got in somehow.

Stanley, can you get it out of here before it sits on any of the furniture? And please, lock the door next time!

AM_Industries 3 points ago +3 / -0

Then go with the Browe and don't look back. I have had mine for 2 years and am still on the oem battery, it has a cool setting on it where it will shut off to save power after 5 mins if the accelerometer does not sense movement. So if you put it away in the safe still on and you have that enabled, you won't kill you battery.

That being said, investing in a couple high quality rechargeables might be a good idea.

AM_Industries 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think both the ACOG and BROW hinder indoor operation, especially when popping them off with a quick-mount and going buis is an option. Where they both shine, and where I think the Browe does just a bit better, is in shooting from cover or concealment to medium-range targets, like from a house to the street.

Having owned both, I think the Browe has better glass, a better reticle, and is sturdier.

The ACOG however, needs no batteries to work to its full potential. It also has been beaten on by a bunch of baboons and 19-year olds, so it's proven.

FWIW: both were designed by the same guy.

AM_Industries 4 points ago +4 / -0

Something about being glassed into a parking lot would probably do that...

AM_Industries 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since when do I care what they think?

AM_Industries 4 points ago +4 / -0

I almost went with the ACOG on my AR-10. I went with the Browe BCO instead and am completely satisfied.

Cool thing about the Browe vs the ACOG is that the Browe has a setting to adjust the brightness of the reticle based on light at the target, not at the rifle. Very helpful for shooting from a shady area into a sunlit one, or vice versa.

AM_Industries 19 points ago +19 / -0

I think you may be vastly underestimating the amount of material already in country or easily available. Not to mention the already brewing cottage manufacturing industry. There is still a lot of good-ol-boys out there who know how to melt lead, reload ammo, and make open bolt machine guns. There are plenty of hardy women out there who can grow a vegetable garden, do kitchen table surgery, and put accurate rounds downrange.

Those folks don't get a lot of coverage because they keep to themselves. And they come from all walks of life and all ages, not just old guys and boomer ladies.

I know plenty of people who grew up desperately poor and have been extremely resourceful their entire lives. Imagine what they could do when the threat of getting arrested goes away, and it's do or die time.

Also, on top of their people, you got people who may live comfortably now, but love their freedom enough to learn how to fight and survive. Most of us probably fall into that camp. It would be rough for us, but as long as we had something worth fighting for, we would be ok.

Lastly, I can tell you that the military is not going to side against those who wish to be free. There will be internal division, but at least half is going to say "fuck those orders, our duty is to the people"

AM_Industries 13 points ago +13 / -0

Because a .22 to the base of the skull is cheaper.

AM_Industries 7 points ago +7 / -0

"You die first, get it? Your friends MIGHT get me in a rush, but not before I turn your head into a canoe."

AM_Industries 7 points ago +7 / -0

To quote a greater man than me:

"The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function"

AM_Industries 15 points ago +15 / -0

I don't know or give a fuck who these kids are, but I think they are writing checks they can't cash. I want to see them try to "round people up". I really do. I think they would be astounded at the amount of barrels they end up looking down.

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