Not a saw, but the feet give you a pass. For now...
It know you're gay and for that it punishes you.
Now you are just a poor fag. Buy once Crye® once.
Trim your fucking toenails you Neanderthal. Also, nice.
I hear he drinks it straight from the source.
Fuck of with that shit. Money spent on a nice drone I'm probably going to shoot eventually is money I could spend on guns, ammo, tannerite, inebrients, or guns.
I'll post a parts list when I finally figure it out.
Idk, but I'm trying to build a drone that will lift a pound (or a lot more) of tannerite for less than $100 so I don't feel bad when I blow it up. Skeet is getting boring and I want something that does janky movements when I shoot at it.
You dumb fucking cretin, you fucking fool, absolute fucking buffoon, you bumbling idiot. You fucked up. Today isn't Monday. Fuck you.
.357 sig is the lord's caliber. Just ask Jack Wilson.
Jews are ok, but fuck Israel.
Get a loan, a second job, or pickpocket old ladies, and then do both.
That is my favorite part about my hk91
Against the covid "vaccine" and you are now automatically an anti Vax extremist...
Also, not meth.
There are no free lunches... However, commies get free helicopter rides.
Nice toes boi
If the gAyTF can't tell us what to do what makes you think anyone is going to listen to you?
I'd start counting but I know the number is greater than I am capable of counting to.
The Expeditionary Force books are horrible and not worth reading after the first one. There, broken down barney style.
Quality post. Too bad your dumb ass showed the serial number for the Google bots to trawl the internet and find.
No shit, man.
Fun fact, a human being can survive being burned alive (and remain capable of conscious movement) for about 4 minutes if they are able to keep oxygen in their body. So steal your grandma's oxygen and keep in next to your pc and rifle if you want to make some steppers witness a burning man keep shooting at them despite their skin falling off. Be the reason those faggots that don't get clapped need therapy for the rest of their life if they don't off themselves.
Nah, I'm just stuck in the 80s and unfashionable.
This isn't stoopid.
I want one of those fuckin Winchester model 1876 so fucking bad!