Cyer6 5 points ago +5 / -0

They don't want to leave you alone because they want to know what you're up to when you're left alone. When they don't know who their enemy might be or where they may come from that scares the shit out of them. Imagine if a large group of freedom fighters targeting commies but were dressed up like Antifa? Gotta give them credit. Their tactics of remaining anonymous and quickly moving from one target to another really throws a wrench into their system.

Cyer6 2 points ago +2 / -0

He sure changed up his position on 2A after his comments on the Florida shooting and bump stocks. He saw his support plummet and they realized that real quick. I think the only thing Trump is banking on to hold his current 2A support in check is the judges he's been nominating. So far, we're supposed to be up over 200 now, something like that, and the SCOTUS recently kicked a handful of cases back down to the lower courts. I try to keep up on 2A cases being heard and there's not too much to celebrate on that front yet.

Cyer6 0 points ago +1 / -1

They just needed one or two local guys to say "fuck this" and try to take a few of them out with a car (Charlottesville?) or just open up on them with something as simple as a deer rifle or even a 1022. Doesn't matter what was used and whether or not any were killed. They'd have those optics captured on video and another spark to ignite their race war. Their Smollett fake hoaxes aren't working so they tried to take it up a few notches.

Cyer6 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were calling out for "rednecks" and militias to come and challenge them. They chose an area of the country where they thought they would get the most emotional reaction. That tells you a lot. Some things I read mentioned they were just carrying airsoft guns but I haven't looked at it close enough to tell. No doubt they were baiting and looking to spark a confrontation and maybe even generate a few martyrs for their sick cause.

by Xnyr21
Cyer6 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm on T_D most of the time and I think Trump as an outsider and not controlled is a good thing. I'm not one of those who call him "GEOTUS" or other golden calf worshipping. Except for appointing more (hopefully) pro 2A constitutionalist judges, he's really been non-existent and weak on gun rights. If he gets a second term and doesn't have to please so many people and gets a supportive congress, then we'll know exactly where he stands on the 2A. That means proposing some pro 2A laws and cleaning out the ATF. Then we'll know if it's all talk or not.

Me personally, I think it's all talk to keep a large segment of his base on his side. The 2A is a VERY big deal for the MAGA voters. He took a big hit with his position on bump stocks and his choice of words after the Florida school shooting.