Dongbuster8999 -9 points ago +1 / -10

That's all well and good, but going through this new site looks like a red hat/thin blue line stronghold, not the retarded bunch of boog boys that used to inhabit bestgunnit.

Dongbuster8999 -7 points ago +1 / -8

Aww I'm sorry the GayTF turned down your job application. Shits rough.

Dongbuster8999 -14 points ago +1 / -15

"Fuck everything up for the rest of us so you can shoot some soibois"

The kid even helped the BLM movement by trying to surrender to the police, and was ignored.

Dongbuster8999 -28 points ago +1 / -29

He's a child that drove over state lines with someone else's rifle (minors can't own guns) to get into shit with protestors. He got into said shit and was attacked, fought back and killed a couple commies. Probably ruined his own life, his parents lives (or whoever gave him the gun), killed people while himself commiting several felonies, so will no doubt wind up facing at the very least manslaughter charges. People out here idolizing him are retarded.