Anyone else think things are unusually calm out there? Covid is getting worse and the government is getting more dictatorial with lockdowns and businesses keep failing. Haven’t been following the election TBH but there’s tons of sketchy shit and Trump is now starting with lawsuits. Everyone already seems unhappy with Biden, even liberals seem very unexcited (if he actually does wins the election, seems like there may be fraud but I’m out of the loop on that). Getting bad feelings from lots of different odd events
A few days ago I saw an article that recommended “Bushwick”, a movie with Dave Bautista (“Joe Biden respects gun owners”) and it reveals exactly what liberals think a civil war will be like. Please note this movie was filmed during the rise of Trump.
They think all the “white” Militia states (read conservative southern states) will invade the liberal coastal areas and indiscriminately murder all minorities. But a coalition of racially diverse average people with no combat experience will rise up to beat those Nazis!
The depiction of combat is hilarious. Random house raids with no squad tactics. Single militia soldiers leaving the squad to murder minorities. A mob of “peaceful protestors“ gathers in a group close together in the middle of the street and charges a fortified position with primarily blunt objects and makeshift shields, deflecting bullets from M16s and AK47s. At one point they actually chant “whose streets? Our streets!”
One of my friend knows a normie that is trying to sell his guns because he is worried Kamala Harris will confiscate them all and believes he should cash out while he can. His loss my gain. He has a used (probably less than 500 rounds) MPX (8 inch barrel type that is discontinued). I’ve seen a dozen pictures of it and looks like it’s barely been to the range.
He wants me to text this guy an offer today. What is a reasonable price for snagging one of these? I have some PCCs already but not this kind so I want it
What do people who actually work in the firearms industry think about this shit show of an election? You guys hearing anything is autists are not privy to?
Commies are trying to steal the election from Trump (he’s not pro gun but at least he isn’t trying to confiscate your AR-15 like Joe Biden) Stay safe and keep your powder dry
It suffered terribly in a boating accident while reading an alphabet boy letter
Title is probably obvious to some people here, but voting Trump and having a GOP president is the best thing we can do to keep the 2A from getting destroyed even more.
I know a lot of people here lean libertarian and I totally get it, but a libertarian vote in a swing state is absolutely stupid for keeping the 2A. If you’re in Mississippi or some solid GOP state then this doesn’t matter. But think before you vote in a say Ohio or Florida.
Harris / Biden will be the worst 2A pair in history - don’t need to go into it that. But remember in 1992 when people wanted to make a statement to the GOP for being shitty and voted for Ross Perot (who btw I really like and thought he had good ideas). The problem with the Perot Vote is that it cost Bush Sr. (Who still sucks for the 2A) and we got clinton. 2 years later we got the 1994 assault weapons ban, the low point for the 2A in our history arguably.
So my point is that sometimes by making a statement you screw yourselves and end up with something worse.
Get the Republicans in office and then once they’re there pressure them shit out of them to repeal barrel length in the NFA for example. If they don’t come through then make a statement during the midterms when the 2A consequences are far less. I don’t care if the GOP loses in 2022
ATF sent a cease and desist for the honey badger. Are the Fed boys going after pistol braces overall or do they just hate Qanon?
Since it looks like Orange Man will pick her as Supreme Court nominee how pro or anti gun is she? Is she likely to be a stepper like Roberts a “conservative”?
I’m a moron when it comes to ballistics so can someone explain (without big words - I’m a dumb dumb) how the Glock wielding dude nearly had his arm taken off by what I presume was a 5.56 AR-15 while the guy that got shot in the head had a small entry wound?
Did the guy who got shot in the head get grazed? Also my stupid understanding of 5.55 was that since it is so high velocity it usually gots straight through and doesn’t tumble like 7.62x39
At least 2 people shot already. Check out austin zone and that Shelby girl from Dailey caller on twitter - they both shared links
See Twitter. It’s going to be George Floyd round 2. More riots are going to make more normies buy up all the guns and ammo
I know some BLM dudes are LARPing with guns and acting like they care about the 2nd amendment, but don’t forget that they’re commies and don’t actually support gun rights.
Once they (Dems) get in power, they’re going to push gun control that will make the 1994 AWB look like a joke