New world, new rules bitch.
This is America. We armor(-ed) our musketeers.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Just think how many tendies are hiding in the Congresscritters places, or in a certain secretary's place.
Knife to the nutsack?
Thought we were past those kinds of incivilities. Thought we'd all collectively decided to move on to shock-prod enemas.
It was a sign that it was time to swap for fresh lead pills.
Also, why are JHPs so expensive? Are they not cast and swaged like every other bullet?
Don't think of it as a van.
Think of it as a discount APC, minus the A.
Unless you give it the killdozer treatment, then it can be an APC. Then just add some firing ports.
So why aren't people making homemade glocks and going after the local commie commitee?
My sp-5... With the LOONNNNGGG barrel
The idiots making our laws wouldn't know the difference between a bolt action and an mg if you threw them in a shell crater in 1916 France.
Except the drugs. That could've been more ammo.
Also the scissor lift. That could've been more ammo too. Just get a ladder and climb.
Ah yes...
My minions will be cranking their arms at their reloading presses from sun up to sun down.
The R2D2.2 must be fed...
I need one of these for my yard.
And given the current ammo prices and my paycheck I can afford to feed it for... 1/2 a second. 2 seconds if I mortgage everything and sell my car.
Worth it?
Strip mall cop for best measure.
No that's the red paint.
SLAP rounds have something to say about slapping.
More importantly...
Where gats and toes?
All that desk space and not a single gat. You can even see the board with the letter things on it.
Get you a meth who can make a clicky button on the glowscreen, and get a talkyputer so you can say stuff. Then pun some gats on that board. And Don't tell me you're one of them high falutin kind who can read now and needs the pushy letter click boards.
If your not carrying around a 12 gauge shorty shotty are you even carrying?
Give em a bulge they can stare at.
If anything the AK is better tool.
Add a bayonet and it can be a real jack of all trades. Makes for an excellent letter opener.
Coworkers seem to disapprove though for some reason.
Mah glawk. Call it mah prahblam solvah
proceeds to pull out a Hi-Point in .40 s&w with dollar bills slide
40 mm. The high pressure ones.
And the thing in your pants doesn't count. No matter how stiff those socks might get they just won't be able to hold up against anything bigger than a 22.
Damnit is nothing sacred to these monsters?
Fine. How bout the nearest air force base instead then?
Wonder if they've already removed all the good weapons and equipment from national guard armories yet and sent it overseas to Ukraine? You know, to help them, and definitely not in any way to reduce the equipment available to the States in case of conflict...
Who needs military-industrial complex when you can have a police-industrial complex?
Added bonuses are the free prison labor, and no pesky international conventions to follow.
commanders proceed to place soldiers piecemeal and without giving them access to fire support or a heavy weapons team
further proof all the book sense in the world means nothing without practical field experience.
Fuck it.
Homemade m79
Dodge this you rusty chunk of steel.