That bitch looks like a fat LOL doll reject. I'm so goddamn glad I didn't have to resort to /k/. If you cloned Martin Van Buren, caused him to be afflicted by gingerism in the process, gave him Benjamin Button disease, and the transplanted both Joseph Stalin's brain and Wilford Brimley's pancreas into the body, you'd end up with this worthless, dough-ridden pudgefuck.
Then when seed gone how more chicken grow, dum dum? I'm just trying to stay up late, cop a buzz, flip my schedule by 12 hours for a couple overnight shifts, and make innuendos about chicken jizz... and nobody around here has my back. I thought you guys were my friends. Have you fuckers ever even heard of a cloaca?
I bet he's never even tried to collect chicken seed.
Plant a garden, wait for all kinds of fucking liberal wildlife to wander into it looking for a free handout on the back of someone else's hard work, then blast the assholes. Voila! Protein in the form of squirrel/deer/rabbit/possum/raccoon/ground hog/long pig/etc.
Not with that goddamn attitude, at least...
My buddy who lives in a major city always says that if he can't make it out of the city, his goal is just to stave off being in a bread line/FEMA camp as long as possible. Harder to round you up if you're not relying on the man for food and shelter.
You could never NOT saw them. Just because they said you weren't supposed to doesn't mean you couldn't. I had a buddy that had an illegal SBR .22 for years. He only recently put a brace on it after they actually developed a brace for it... and I called him a pussy when he did.
Not gonna lie, I kind of want something battery powered. If they made a fiber optic/battery powered combo, that'd be the tits. Just don't want to drop a grand on an optic that has an expiration date built into it... and buying a used one with 8 years gone on the tritium and a looming price tag for Trijicon to replace it seems like something I wouldn't want to do.
Also, obligatory "NSFW" for any of you unironic retards that are into living dangerously but still wanna bitch and moan when you see fucked up shit on a site full of fuck ups. Goddamn, I swear... it's like walking into a bathroom, seeing feet underneath the stall divider, kicking in the door, and then whining about how it smells like shit. No fucking shit, waterhead. There's NSFW shit here. If you wanna fuck around, you're gonna find out. Don't bitch at me about it.
Sorry, random tirade.
Fuck me... goddamn it. Did I just get hustled into buying new pillow? What the fuck...
I'm talking an open major offensive ground war with the Turkey situation. You're right about China, didn't consider that... I was more thinking about troops/tanks in the street in Taiwan when I wrote that.
I was trying to make some semi-long shot calls with the Mexico/South America stuff.
Good to know for the time I open my basement door during the day, retreat back to the corner, and glass my neighbor's chickens while heavy breathing.
Seriously, you're the first hands-on report I've seen with Browes. Granted, I haven't looked, but they always seemed really nice and a solid alternative. ACOGs just have such a pedigree, its hard to look past that.
One of the greatest sleeper cars ever. Nobody saw the SHO coming.
Best thing Taurus firearms ever did was put a frame mounted safety on a Beretta 92 clone.
Real talk? I'd be more impressed if you did get it from Wish. Congratulations, you spent real money on a good product and slapped it on your 10/22 for a giggle. We've all spent some major dough on guns and gun accessories. Call me when you're playing Russian roulette with your family's life by grabbing a Commie optic slapped together by cross-eyed retard Mongolians and charging into the night with a 10/22 you haven't cleaned in 3000 rounds while your dick hangs out of your boxers.
Edit: For real though, all jokes and ribbing aside... how great is that thing? I've always contemplated getting an ACOG. Also, way to ball out with that $0.05 GOA round-up on the receipt.
The whole world is circling like sharks and now there's blood in the water.
I should really put out a "World Events Bingo" board for 2021-2024. China makes an aggressive territorial play with their military? Major military flashpoint event involving Turkey? United States begins operations in Mexico against the cartels (possibly in response to a political/terror attack)? Ground offensive on the South American continent?
Prediction if Biden is crowned as king: Mandatory lockdown, massive swathes of people will refuse to comply, police ventilate some black people while they're breaking curfew, riots intensify, nothing changes for the masses of disenfranchised black Americans that voted for Joe because Trump was racist. Uncle Joe may or may not attempt to tell people whether they're black or not for a second time (hint: he'll probably phrase it differently, but insinuate the same thing)... we'll see who makes that cut in his eyes this time around.
ACOG = Average Copied Oriental Gunsight
You're just a tube of JB Weld away from being fudd legend. You've gotta get a sweet fudd line, though... with that setup, you could really sell one about shooting off a gnats dick at 50 yards or something along those lines. When someone inevitably calls you out on it, you've gotta whip out a shiny pie pan and proceed to get a chin weld, look through your optic, and nail about 7/10 on the plate at 25 yards.
Thats leaving the realm of glamor shots and approaching Boudoir photos.
You've gotta send the mods a couple dick pics before they allow you to post images. Any ol' dick pic will do, but they're more likely to grant your permission quickly if you go full glamor shot photo shoot with it... y'know, a nice a soft focus, some diffused lights, permed hair, a little blush, maybe pose it looking slightly to the left without looking directly at the camera. Add a nice vignette effect or something in photoshop and you're golden, fam.
Go to a BLM protest and start shouting Harambe when they begin naming victims... see if that causes a stir.
DSM-IV did nothing wrong!
... kinda.
Was that Dostoevsky, or was that a Tolstoy joint?
Damn... burned.