Jan6Insurrectionist -1 points ago +3 / -4

It's only two of you and I couldn't give less of a shit. Either get your head out of the sand or just turn your guns in. You aren't using them and never will.

Jan6Insurrectionist 3 points ago +3 / -0

There really is no such thing as an "incel." There is no vast group of "far right wing White male terrorists" waiting to murder you in a mass shooting because they "can't get laid" or some other dumb reason, despite what (((MSM))) tells you.

What is happening is an entire generation is realizing there's no future because boomers and zionists sold us out, and now our options are homelessness, death by overdose or a life of wageslavery until our knees and back give out (then pick one of the first two).

You really are a fucking boomer, huh.

Jan6Insurrectionist 4 points ago +4 / -0

thinking the inevitable gun confiscation will be "fun"


Jan6Insurrectionist 0 points ago +3 / -3

Aren't you a boomer? Don't you remember when copies of the Turner Diaries would be sold at gun shows? They called it the "Cohen Act" for good reason.
As for the slaves, (((who))) owned the ships? Who owned them in far greater proportions than ethnic Whites?
You really need to read that Talmud sometime and lose your illusions. Or just keep posting photos of your guns until it's time to turn them in.

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's incorrect? Gun "control" is goy control. Has been jewish from the beginning.

Jan6Insurrectionist 1 point ago +3 / -2

It's a warning. Stop being a good goy cuck.

Jan6Insurrectionist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ah well. Tired old joke anyway. Rabbis fuck little boys too you know.

Jan6Insurrectionist -2 points ago +3 / -5

R*ddit spacing

opinion discarded

Jan6Insurrectionist 1 point ago +3 / -2

The feds are the demoralization shills telling us to keep doing nothing as our enemies advance. Like you.

Jan6Insurrectionist 3 points ago +6 / -3

ZOG is at war with the bloodline heirs of the American Nation. They're exterminating us and most of us won't even talk about fighting back.

Jan6Insurrectionist 3 points ago +4 / -1

I got flamed and downvoted for (((noticing))) this last time but


Jan6Insurrectionist 9 points ago +11 / -2

This is why boomers are such a problem, they fail to realize the (((system))) is not on their side, if it ever was.

Jan6Insurrectionist 9 points ago +9 / -0

Five words.

I have nothing to say.

That's it. That's what you do when they ask.

Jan6Insurrectionist 8 points ago +8 / -0

they're only taking your gun rights and arresting you

I guess the block function doesn't do anything

Jan6Insurrectionist 10 points ago +11 / -1

Jan 6 was a trial run, as was (((Covid.))) They successfully got us to snitch on each other. Your neighbor is now potentially your worst enemy. Welcome to the bolshevik USSA.

Jan6Insurrectionist 1 point ago +1 / -0

lmao who cares that the federal government endorses a violent anti White terror group

You're not worth my time so I'm no longer entertaining you.

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +2 / -0

They've already begun, just slowly. Do you think January 6 was the beginning of anything but putting "dissenters" in gulags? You can't win playing your enemy's game.

try to make it harder for them

Few options there. Go innawoods, head to international waters on a boat, or hide your power level and be a grayman at all times, yes all times. In any event you'd be choosing atomization, isolation and irrelevancy until it was time to come pick you off and that'd be a formality at that point. The truth is we're blocked from organizing any proper pro-gun (or any) rights organization that isn't a controlled opposition clown show on the level of the modern Republican Party from the word go. Radical and I do mean radical changes need to start happening, and quickly.

Jan6Insurrectionist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ruby Ridge wasn't a blaze of glory, it was a dirty and cowardly execution that was quickly covered up and even mentioning it today gets you marked a "white supremacist terrorist."

Jan6Insurrectionist 3 points ago +3 / -0

((Big Tech))) owns every part of the once free and open internet and now uses it as their personal surveillance apparatus, constantly patrolling for wrongthink. Be aware. You're all already on lists. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/youve-been-flagged-threat-predictive-ai-technology-puts-whitehead

When will you realize you've got nothing left to lose? Whether the guy in Buffalo was a fed or just a retard is immaterial. They're coming after you one way or the other.

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