Jan6Insurrectionist 1 point ago +4 / -3

Whites are the only group that give a damn about gun rights (or "rights" at all). Liberia has a constitution modeled after ours and even by African standards it's a shithole.

You can ignore the facts, but not the consequences of doing so.

Jan6Insurrectionist 5 points ago +6 / -1

implying we aren't all on the brink of snapping from jogger fatigue

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dig the forend, how much are these going for nowadays?

Jan6Insurrectionist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same reason there is NO White replacement and that's a DANGEROUS CONSPIRACY THEORY

BUT ALSO America and Europe will be minority White by 2030 AND THAT'S A GOOD THING

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +2 / -0

We both know there's no fixing this country without reversing the demographic crisis and anything more I say about that is a fedpost

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +2 / -0

misguided youths

Tend to be druggies, perverts and parasites. No thanks. There's really no local church that shares my views either, and the only majority White places I can afford to live are hillbilly meth towns.

The only way to fix young men in this country would be bring back the draft (with the military we had in the 1940s, everything today is 100% zogged and pozzed)

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because they're all (((one big club))) and you're not in it. It's them you have to secure your devices against.

Jan6Insurrectionist 1 point ago +3 / -2

What's untrue? Something like >80% of jews favor stricter gun laws including an all out ban, far more than every other demographic. The only majority pro-gun group are Whites. The democrat party is the loxist party and most republicans are zionist shabbos goys.

Jan6Insurrectionist 1 point ago +2 / -1

Huh, you're that guy who called me an incel in another thread. Seems the block function doesn't work.

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +4 / -2

And it's just a cohencidence that this one particular tribe has been the root cause of every assault on our freedoms and values since the beginning, right?

You know they consider you cattle and think that (their) god created you for no reason other than to provide them slave labor? Look at evey armed conflict the US has been in since the 1970s. All to benefit Israel.

Jan6Insurrectionist 0 points ago +1 / -1


No such thing, meaningless buzzword used by roasties and cucks. But you've proved not to be worth talking to so yeah bye.

Jan6Insurrectionist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most cops used to not carry guns or even nightsticks, and they wore buttondowns and slacks on the job.

Because America was a clean, orderly, high-trust society - comes with being >90% White. Now we're under 60% and dropping rapidly.

This is why the police force must be rigorously tested for morality, must be devoutly Christian and unfailingly pro-White without a hint of subversive sentiment allowed.

Tell you what, having sex with women you're not going to marry is pretty fun when you're young.

This boomer attitude is what encouraged the current trend of Tiktok and OnlyFans whoredom with nasty roasties acting like teenagers even into their biological geriatric years. Women are for bearing (White) children and being dutiful housewives and mothers. Not disgusting skanks.

You will literally create the perfect role for those fuckers to hide.

And be rooted out, with death by excruciating torture as the penalty. Should be a proper deterrent.

a bunch of sadistic assholes in uniform won't make that better.

We should be sadistic to the enemies of our race. Animals don't understand anything but pain, and after what's happened to us pain is what they deserve.

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone's got to keep (((degeneracy))) out of our society.

Jan6Insurrectionist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't trust other people to make their own decisions because they usually let (((TV))) or (((social media))) make them. An orderly White ethnostate could benefit from something like Sharia law.

Jan6Insurrectionist 4 points ago +4 / -0

>We need your tax money to buy assault rifles for resistance fighters in another country to fight an oppressive government
>There's no reason you would need an assault rifle goy

Is it past "gradually" yet?

Jan6Insurrectionist 3 points ago +3 / -0

And back to cold.


Never had a concept of "liberty" to begin with. It was an Anglo-Germanic peculiarity.

Jan6Insurrectionist 4 points ago +4 / -0

The cops might be only in it for a paycheck but that won't do them any good if they go home in a bag.

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