LongBeachfortyfive 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is there another site to use? Every fucking sub is full of shitheads at best, literal commies at worst. I’d love to leave it permanently but don’t know any alternatives.

LongBeachfortyfive 6 points ago +7 / -1

Ah yes, the people who don’t know how to carry the fake guns someone gave them, calling out actual militia with actual guns. Someone call ESPN 8 cuz that’s a bold move, Cotton. Say nothing of the epic backfire when nothing happens and they can’t actually say that everyone is racist all the time, which is a fucking stupid way to think if you have grownup shit to do. Oh wait, they’re commies. They don’t work. Lol this election is gonna be lit, I can’t wait to go creep commie central (Reddit) and watch them freak out that they all couldn’t put the bong down long enough to vote and daddy trump is back for an even harder, rougher lame-duck assfucking that they roundly deserve. I don’t even like trump but I’m so fucking excited to vote for him it’s kinda getting me erect rn

LongBeachfortyfive 5 points ago +5 / -0

It amuses me to no end how their enormous egos allow them to think that because we’re not shitposting on their commie site any more that we somehow cease to exist and aren’t shitposting allll over the rest of the internet now. Unless... they realize freedom is awesome and guns are awesome and they are faggots and therefore we win in the end despite being bant. Which is where I think we are currently. They know they suck balls compared to us so they can’t have us around to make them look even worse by comparison.

LongBeachfortyfive 9 points ago +9 / -0

I miss alcohol. Thanks, crippling alcoholism, for preventing me from handling my shit well enough to enable a fun lifelong habit that would be pretty fucking nice right about now. Take a swizzle for me, borther, I’ll be DD in the igloo event.