by Xnyr21
RadicalizedExReddito 32 points ago +32 / -0

Reddit went full communist on Monday. They even finally nuked the dessicated corpse of r/the_donald.

The "boogaloo" memes are probably mostly what did us in over there, but the writing is on the wall for anyone right of center.

RadicalizedExReddito 6 points ago +6 / -0

There isn't any. We have to take Reddit's word on it.

As a practical matter though it will make your comments really hard to find.

There is no way to be sure that Reddit doesn't archive everything internally. It will help protect you from casual third parties looking to dox you.

RadicalizedExReddito 10 points ago +10 / -0

This isn't entirely true.

The Earn It Act is terrible, but much like a ban on 3D printed guns it is entirely unenforceable. We can, should and will resist it.

The encryption cat is out of the bag. Various open source tools will remain available and hosted outside the US.

End to end encryption will remain viable.