RowdyTannerite 4 points ago +4 / -0

where else you going to get willing human shields? jeez

RowdyTannerite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Completely agree. I find libertarianism fits best within my idea of "fuck off government REEEEEEE" but I still do definitely not subscribe.

RowdyTannerite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yo, I'm not one to preach politics on internet forums (preface for every political post, ever) but not all businesses that hires illegals are detrimental. While it is endemic to our country and especially my region (south texas, >5 miles of border) the majority of business that hires illegal labor either turn a blind eye or is illegal themselves. The people have legitimate businesses and that many people would simply not do for the wages. I've worked with illegal immigrants who had 3 cars and were relatively well to do (lived in a trailer park home but poor financials what you gonna say) because he was an extremely proficient and hard-working mechanic.** Like, I don't advocate open borders at all** but not every business that hires illegals deserves to be classified as "fucked". But hey, I'm getting drunk to go back to sleep at 5 am for my 12 hour 9 am shift in** 100 degree heat welding. And I'm not even an illegal. Just a fellow autist. Hiring a legal for this exact spot, with my wage is still tough to retain them.** At my age I can manage it - but you see people 3 times my age busting their ass all fucking day at different locations gardening or cutting grass whatever. for 40 bucks per 8 hour workday.

You're right about this influencing my section of the state to be blue - but most of the people I deal with are pretty openly pro gun. Which is my issue primarily. So eh take my grain of salt for what it is. We're all fucking wrong somehow somewhere anyways it doesnt fucking matter