Sunsetmal 6 points ago +6 / -0

I thought militias were illegal?

Sunsetmal 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fucking LTs were grizzled back in the day

Sunsetmal 8 points ago +8 / -0

But that's probably why they go out of business though...people hanging out, looking and talking but not buyjng. How many MG42s and M1941s can you really sell?

Sunsetmal 8 points ago +8 / -0

I mean, after I saw Saving Private Ryan I wanted a Thompson so

Sunsetmal 7 points ago +7 / -0

There was a place like this near me years ago in Virginia, except it was all old military weapons. I don't know that he did a lot of business as it was basically a museum but damn it was cool

Sunsetmal 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is an incredibly accurate pistol with this set up, I use it in Call of Duty all the time and my ration is like 4/20

Sunsetmal 12 points ago +12 / -0

*grumbles and sips tea in SMLE

Sunsetmal 17 points ago +17 / -0

Just tape a blinking light somewhere on the upper and tell people it's a holographic sight that you can only see with special glasses.

Also you will need those red/blue paper 3D glasses

Sunsetmal 6 points ago +6 / -0


Sure there are downsides; you'd have to dress like a dbag constantly and always say shit like "what? No I'm on my way to get in 18 before the rain comes down haha" or "id hate to see my clubs stolen out if my car so I wheel my bag around all the time". Also a lot of Fudds would come and talk to you. Plus you'd have to wear the shoes...

But the upside is that you can carry a number of guns and ammo in a wheelie bag and only attract a moderate amount of attention

EDIT: you also need to learn how to talk about golf so as not to get caught

Sunsetmal 6 points ago +6 / -0

I won't stand for the besmirching of Tannerite!

Sunsetmal 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's crazy. You can't be both. You're simultaneously saying " I want the government out of my life" while at the same time saying "I want the government to dictate what I can and can't do"

Generally speaking, the libertarian side only wants the government to regulate externalities that the individual cannot. If my neighbor down the road is dumping his trash in the creek and it floats down to me, that's a problem that I need government involvement to correct. However, socialism doesn't just regulate externalities, it regulates internalities. They are mutually exclusive points of view

You could argue some small areas of overlap but you can't be both. Here's proof:

Can the government tell you how much you have to pay an employee?

Can a private individual own property?

Can the government dictate the rules of your religion?

Is hate speech free speech?

Do individuals have the right to the products of their labor?

The video was awful, unfunny, uninspired and way too long. Plus at no point did I think it was a "debate" just a place to push her obvious views while strawmanning the opposition

Sunsetmal 37 points ago +37 / -0

The Donald was like this in the beginning. I missed being on Reddit and having occasional liberal come in to T_D and piss them off/debate. Until one day I'm having a very interesting discussion about Democrats voting history I got shadowbanned. Now the dipshit liberal is acting like he beat me and gloating. I wasn't lying or being an asshole, I was just speaking against the narrative. Apparently, effectively enough to get shadowbanned

Total bullshit. Fuck reddit

Sunsetmal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Jokes and stuff but it's a 2000 year old bureaucracy. It's weathered it all and come out on top, don't count it out

PS I'm not a Catholic

Sunsetmal 5 points ago +5 / -0

You Marxist shits are all steppers at heart. No societies that even LEAN socialsist protect gun rights. Fuck off back to reddit

And if you are sincere, you're a Menshevik to them. I'd pay close attention to what the Bolsheviks did to the Mensheviks after October '18

Sunsetmal 6 points ago +6 / -0

Indian in the Cupboard but they clean guns, car parts, and the bathroom

Sunsetmal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Will OSHA shoot your doggo for having illegal weapons?

by 300tist
Sunsetmal 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nah, they don't have a capable Navy. Plus they are surrounded by countries that like us and hate them and all have tons of ship killing missiles. I mean, the carriers they use were build by the USSR. Plus it's all deisel fuel, so they have about a 4 month range before they have to come back

Sunsetmal 10 points ago +10 / -0

She's got nine kids, no way she hasn't thought about shooting one of them at least once. I love my kids but one time one of them shit in the tub and I was ready

Sunsetmal 14 points ago +14 / -0

I'm dressing like a continental soldier and yelling Patrick Henry lines

Sunsetmal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Code:Gunnit for 15% off???

For real though, going to buy from you at some point. If you come across a good Walther compact in 45 tell me first

Sunsetmal 7 points ago +7 / -0

I ordered a $9 gas tube from BCM and got like $12 in stickers

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