TheMaroonNeck 0 points ago +2 / -2

Thanks. I’m not exactly sure how to move shit, I’ll give it a try though next time I can steal WiFi from McDonalds ;)

TheMaroonNeck -1 points ago +1 / -2

mUh hOneYpOt

Dude grow some balls. This site isn’t half of a shadow of what actual Bestgunnit was and you know it. How many people frequent this site? Well since the “hot” post is still my post I made like over a month ago I guess that means not many people really get on here. You really think some ATF Agent hellbent on infringing on our constitutional rights is on my Patriotic Orangutan site that looks like a kindergartner made? Or for that matter is on weekendgunnit.win?

TheMaroonNeck -5 points ago +7 / -12

Hey, I’m not exactly sure how popular this site is (compared to the subreddit... fuck spez) and I’m not sure what the rules are pertaining to self advertising but, just like unconstitutional gun laws, screw em. I’m not trying to promote this site to get famous, I’m simply tired of all of these gun laws, many of which have proven to be ineffective (sbr and suppressor laws) getting passed. We need to take a stand now, write the gAyTF (I put a link on the website) we also need to realize nothing is going to change unless we elect someone to get back our rights; they can do it from the inside.

Constructive criticism is welcomed, the site is a work in progress. I’m thinking of adding more info such as gun statistics.

TheMaroonNeck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah Reddit sheep put them on all political posts (including ads, so they are literally using their money/awards and giving them back to Reddit) including this one. I circled it because it’s so retarded that they act like they are pro 2A but then vote for politicians who want to ban guns.

TheMaroonNeck 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was also banned from the subreddit because I told someone it’s stupid to keep dividing the gun community, they said “no conservatives allowed” so I guess any sort of free thinking isn’t allowed and only mental gymnastics echo chamber thought it allowed in that dumbass subreddit.

Good lord Reddit is so fucking retarded (I was recently banned from another sub for saying the “r slur” RIP Wasome, not sure if many of y’all frequent over here after the Reddit tyrants did their deed. This is probably going to be my only post on here, idk I’m not sober. We need to get something like Reddit but less retarded and authoritarian and something more autistic and free.

Glory glory claymore roomba