I just giggled the atf and I learned it's a bunch of faggotious faggotry. Checkmate commie.
Why do people pretend so hard to not understand basic fucking texts like The Constitution?
Sneakers lose their sneak when they turn into gasplooshes.
I'm appalled that such a measure was even taken. WKND is the only gunnit.
If you prefer small guns your man clit is girthy but soft.
Skynet poop u/AlcoholicRetard
Paratum Pes
I'd wear that belt.
I'm sure he was a good boy. Rip.
Do you have no toes?
Two meths with the same grief sets off my deception alarm.
Tranny's don't discriminate, they drill holes some would call unnatural.
Holy shit I know we're supposed to be retards but archive.is exists for a reason.
Beaver anus is a flavor reserved for only the finest of palettes.
Needs more curly wires. 3/10
Meanwhile in the bowels of Congress they're saying to him "shirley, you cant be serious? Think of your family..." And Shirley agrees to only make a show of it. Like some kind d of professional prostitute.
I hope the transition is going swell Mr. Ladyfoot.
Skynet Terminate u/GeorgeFentanylFloyd
Show guns.
Oh you're fancy alright.
Wait, anything? A gun always points at something.. and why would whatever it's pointing at be disassembled? Disabled maybe, but I can't grasp this concept.
May be so, but unfortunately, historically commies and guns do mix.
Is it the season of sacrifice again already? Time flies.