Hi es wendies I dood like GPNVG with a large cup of RDX and a side of detonators

now that weve got en that out of the way

so basically, as most of you probably (hopefully_ knwn guncontrol bils HR 8 and HR 1446 passed in the House of Representatives. We knew this ws kuming so now is time to write your reprsetnatives (AND YES I DO MEAN YOU, I DON GIV 1 FLYNG FUCK IF YOUR REP IS LITERLY THE BIGGEST COMMIE STATIST STEPPER TO WALK THIS FUCKING PLANET, UOU ARE GONNA FUCKING WRITE THEM THIS LETTER OR SOMETHIGN LIKE IT YOU FUCK FUCK uuuuuuuuuuuUUUUuuUUUUUUU uuuuUUUUUUUWIU) break that | and tell them to FUCK OFF. So basically ‘but cleetuz I hear you saying, ‘ ‘ “ I don’t like writing is hard n I hdont have fngers fom gat accidznet” so I m itearlsy making this as easy paas possible, just copy/paset sh change up a little bit this words to write to them/emailt em /call them /stand outside their office and chant this

also::” PLEASE, post this letter LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. Put it on all the chans, put it on reddit, twitter, parler, mastedon, all the discord and Keybase servers you are on, (and then delete reddit and twitter and discord) on TikTok and instashit and snaptwat, print it off and put it on the wal algt yr LGS and coffee shop /butcher place whatever I don’t care whear JUST DOOOO ITTTTTTITT

make a publicly shared google doc, paste the letter in it, generate a QR code and put that LITERALLLY EVERYWHERE YOUH ADCN THING OFF< FF (and then sign of otf of all google accts and delete their apps and never use their shit again) [and ask favorite guntubers to start uploading their stuff to BitChute or even better PeerTube]

I don’t want credit, don’t send a bunch of casuals to this site, just make sure as MANY PPL SE A@ SD POSSIBLE and SEND IT TO ALL THEIR REPS

I wrote it State and Office agnostic, so this literally requires no work. Seriously, if you can’t be bothered to copy and paste this into the “Contact Me” form on your Senators’ and House Representative’s website, you are a lazy shitbag and an embarrassment to the free world. You should probably just neck yourself now.

so basically here goes: BEGIN MESSAGE START HERE---------


Recently, the House of Representatives passed gun control bills HR 8 and HR 1446. I am writing to you today to add my voice to the long, long list of American citizens who are demanding that you do your part to uphold and defend the US Constitution by stopping these blatantly anti-gun and unconstitutional bills. Please understand: we demand that these bills be STOPPED. We do not want them amended, we do not want them “made palatable”, and we do not want “a compromise.” When it comes to our basic rights, there will be NO COMPROMISES.

HR 8 requires background checks, and the completion of ATF Form 4473, on basically every private firearms transaction in the country. Not only does this completely ignore the right of people to acquire and dispose of property as they wish, it unarguably paves the way for eventual gun registration and confiscation by force. For years, the ATF has illegally used its annual inspection of FFL holders’ premises to illegally photograph documents and record information about gun owners and the guns they own. This is a flagrant violation of federal law, but the ATF continues to do it; Gun Owners of America has evidence of this activity on their website, where they have eyewitness reports from gun dealers who attest to this secret and unlawful method of gun registration.

Currently, the only way to acquire a firearm away from the secretly and illegally prying eyes of the ATF is through a private sale. However, HR 8 will change that, allowing the government to register every gun owner.

Even the Obama-Biden administration understood this: a Justice Department memo written in 2013 revealed their opinion on the type of requirements imposed by HR 8: “Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration.”

Furthermore, the argument that this bill is necessary for reducing crime is absolutely inane. Just recently, the ATF has demonstrated the vast extent of their capability by knocking on the doors of American citizens and demanding the forfeiture of “ghost-gun” parts kits. Despite the fact that these parts kits are purposefully designed and built to evade a gun ban, the ATF was able to identify, locate and make contact en masse with purchasers of these kits. We The People are under no obligation whatsoever to make their jobs even easier at the expense of our inalienable and Constitutional rights.

Additionally, HR 1446 will greatly lengthen the amount of time that one may have to wait to take home a purchased firearm. This bill must be stopped as well; basic rights should NEVER come with a waiting period.

Between January and October of 2020, the FBI set an all-time high record by conducting approximately 16.5 million firearm background checks. The violence and insurrections that occurred all across America last summer showed each and every American that they themselves are ultimately the only ones who care for and are capable of ensuring their own safety. Americans understand the necessity of firearms ownership, and we always will.

If you would like to lose re-election, support these bills.


so get to it post it wheverywhere

red bull is really nice esp coconut flavor

learn about basic cybercesurity and secure comms stuff

learn XMR