FrogLube's secret ingredient
Based on her love of anus-tearing buttsecks, I think her EDC should also include astroglide.
I got that feeling too. Somebody bought rifles for a lot of the idiots in that video. Stick rifles in the hands of several dozen people who've never handled one before? Recipe for the LOLfest yesterday.
And I'm no bootlicker, but what's with these faggots trying to start a war against police, and then immediately seeking the police's help when their comrades start NDing each other?
Why are so many Air Force people such faggots?
Oh yes. That looks like the same girl. Any more? I want to see that German clam.
Yeah I know he is a cuck, but Copperhead Road.
Not that I've found. Man I hope there's a series of this chick out there.
Is FC5 like the FO games where you can choose to side with the different factions? The game looked interesting, but I'll only play it if I can side with the cult.
Anything's porno if you're weird enough.
I fapped to it, so I think it's now considered porno or something.
Interesting. Desire to know more
Sock full of dried jizz.
What the fuck am I supposed to be looking at? All I can make out is a bunch of lo-res niggas.
Whatchu ax me?
Sticky this. And has anybody crossposted this at TD?
Gonna need 6 patches.
Right now Roberts will fucking side with the commies, fuck that ass.
Don't get Roberts excited like that.
Lighten up, Francis. This isn't TD. Don't expect it to be. And don't come over from TD to throw in some maga shit. Because WG is a well-lubed shit-posting machine and if you don't understand it, keep your fucking mouth shut. Because here sometimes a dildo isn't a dildo. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it's in your ass. Sometimes it's just a metaphor. Or not. But yes. And no at the same time.
So when are we gonna get the juicy backstory of faggotry from spez and his band of cannibal moes?
I am so happy that WG found a home. I was depressed thinking about no meth next week.
Hiding the turtle head