deeznuts4america5000 2 points ago +2 / -0

They did let them in. They put up a fake resistance. This kill was just so the media could say """"""DEADLY CONSERVATIVE INSURGENCY OF CAPITOL!"""""" If they really wanted to stop people there would be a lot of people with ARs on the roofs and massive barricades.

deeznuts4america5000 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't think so. It seems he genuinely wanted to do good, appeased who he needed to (israeli lobby), didn't send troops into new areas inlarge numbers. It's just that now the mask came off of "Republicans" and showed how almost everyone wants to go back to business like before Trump. Issue is these fucks who have been in office for 50 years don't realize this time it's different. They can't control the internet.

deeznuts4america5000 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know, telling insurgents to go home in peace is a requirement of the insurrection act