me pleasure, friendo
dont be a pu$$y. we all get shot. can u fight?
Which one is Black Ops 2?
yemen or Idlib, Syria Gun market (online)
uh, your pants are down,
When you're really rich in Yemen: A very rare Colt CK901 (Very rare, originally made for Yemeni Republican Guard pre War, takes AK mags), and a illegally imported Glock 19X. Rifle is at least $6k, pistol likely even more.
SOURCE = @CalibreObscura on Twitter
EXCELLENT - I love the smell of ethno-economic propaganda porn in the morning, smells like, victory.
great point, my bad
Here's another one -
You seem to have weekendgunnit but not google or bing, after a 1 second search, top result was from a commie rag in the untied kingdom of faggots; the GUARDIAN - "President George Bush rejected as "non-negotiable" an offer by the Taliban to discuss turning over Osama bin Laden if the United States ended the bombing in Afghanistan." BUT, keep voting and sending your sons to die for the bush/clinton klan.
i have two readings, you me and a hot tub
Pinnicale of White Priviledge!
The Taliban were willing to hand over Bin Laden to avoid invasion, but the BUSH CAPO REGIME refused. Who is guilty in the death of 2,000 Patriots of USA, and Millions of AFGHANS? BUSH! CHENEY!
FYI - Your title is inflammatory. As a Statist, I only Lub the gubiment 6 days, on the sabbath, I worship the one true god. ALLAH!
and while driving an automobile!
I live inside my Mommy's Attic. I built a call center in there. I has 1 window, I yard pop with sub-sonic Ruger Wrangler .22. But I has neber been this ghey! FYI, I onlys killz squirrels.
yes, that's where I heard it.
my team is tranny tyranny. All cis cucks will fall before the sword of RU PAUL