literal_ATF_agent -23 points ago +4 / -27

Reminder precisely 0% of you will ever pull a trigger at anything that isn't a paper target or a deer.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing internet tough guy fags piss and shit themselves and hand over their collection of 100 semi-auto rifles after I saw them post "They'll pry it out of my cold dead fingers" on Facebook.

Come on, who are you kidding? White people don't shoot other people lmao

literal_ATF_agent -9 points ago +1 / -10

Lmao you will hand over your guns without a fight and cry and sputter when I tell you you're facing 25 years just like all internet tough guy fags.

Do me a favor and vote Biden so I can get this party started.

literal_ATF_agent -8 points ago +1 / -9

Lmao "I'd rather boog" Fucking LOL.

Hand over your guns like 99.99% of everyone posting here will when me and the boys ask. Never gets old, seeing internet tough guy faggots cry and sputter and piss themselves when I roll up.

You won't do shit. Now hand over your overpriced, semi-auto ARs and go to the "FEMA camp" you fucking nutter.

literal_ATF_agent -2 points ago +6 / -8

Lmao shut up faggot. You'll hand over your guns like a good little cuck just like 99.999% of everyone who posts here.

I fucking love it when we roll up on an internet tough guy's house and they blabber and sputter as we load their 100,000 rounds and 100 ARs into the truck. LMAO

Gunnuts don't pull triggers unless they're looking at a paper target CMV