No Adidas, no wodka, and shooting a Capitalist gun. The Western spies are learning the Slav Squat.
Miller Like instead of Claw? Doggo wants steak.
Start contributing instead of complaining, fucktard. Give it time, the first search result on DuckDuckGo is this site.
The BLM wants to make America, Zimbabwe. Make Rhodesia Great Again. I can't stand commies some of my family fled the Iron Curtain. Fuck Commies.
Drink vodka, you heathen. Got a 1.75 Liter box of B-Square Wodka. Box Vodka is the future. Mixes with anything.
There ain't no laws, when your drinking claws! Carry on.
That 18-21 window on drinking and gun law shit is dumb as hell. You can enlist go to Afghanistan and shoot towelheads, but no beer or handguns for you. I never understood it when I was that age. Get an 80%.
Supreme and fake Yves Saint Laurent case. Baller. I was thinking West Valley Correction in the Inland Empire. Never change Arizona.
Dude gets scalped by injuns. Got a trapdoor to go with that.
Party Time. Excellent! Wayne's World! Garth joined AntiFag.
Or Cigarette manufacturers, if you get lung cancer. Oh wait they did that. They are using the model that they used against tobacco. Fucking Commies and Lawyers. Commie Lawyers are the scum of the Earth.
Edit: Sugary Drinks and Fast Food are next after guns.
I need to get body armor and a tactical vest for my Great Dane. She could carry a hell of a lot of extra rounds.
Deactivated my WorstReddit account. The only reason I went their was the fags on here and WallStreetBets.
The Ruqqus version of bestgunnit is having the same issues and their server sucks ass. This is the best option.