Better to live on your knees than die on your feet right? Fuck actually trying to change things let's just be grateful for what our overlords say we can have be we might get a worse one!
This sub if fucking gay now and all you Trump loving faggots are exactly the reason why things continue to be fucked. If you believe in all the Trump shit then fine, just say so. But this idea that we should suck Trumps dick because Bidens is older and grosser is fucking dumb. You don't actually care about making changes, you just want to hold on to what little freedoms you are allowed.
No, you're a fucking coward who was getting fucked in the ass and was happy about it because every 3rd stroke you got to spit on the dick. The worst part is that you were happy about it. Grateful that you had the opportunity to get fucked.
No. You clearly just don't understand that you're still losing because you are to much of a coward to actually fight. Maybe if you just keep voting for the people who do absolutely nothing for you or gun laws they will be nice one day and not fuck you as hard as the other guy will.
You're afraid if you don't pick the guy who is marginally less bad than the other guy then the other guy would win. When in reality if you weren't a bitch you'd tell both of them to get fucked and actually vote for someone who wants to establish actual personal freedom.
That is of course unless you actually did do that by voting for trump which brings me back to my original question. What the fuck happened to this sub? It's either full of fake stepper fuds who love Trump or it's full of weak cowards who don't actually want to risk standing up for themselves so they vote for corporate shills that do absolutely nothing to protect peoples freedoms.
Better to live on your knees than die on your feet right? Fuck actually trying to change things let's just be grateful for what our overlords say we can have be we might get a worse one!
This sub if fucking gay now and all you Trump loving faggots are exactly the reason why things continue to be fucked. If you believe in all the Trump shit then fine, just say so. But this idea that we should suck Trumps dick because Bidens is older and grosser is fucking dumb. You don't actually care about making changes, you just want to hold on to what little freedoms you are allowed.
Lol yes, this was the time to take the stand when our rights are on the chopping block. You’re a fucking moron, you just yourself castrated
No, you're a fucking coward who was getting fucked in the ass and was happy about it because every 3rd stroke you got to spit on the dick. The worst part is that you were happy about it. Grateful that you had the opportunity to get fucked.
No, you just clearly don’t understand how to pick battles. You picked an impossible battle and got killed for it, you’re stupid.
No. You clearly just don't understand that you're still losing because you are to much of a coward to actually fight. Maybe if you just keep voting for the people who do absolutely nothing for you or gun laws they will be nice one day and not fuck you as hard as the other guy will.
You're afraid if you don't pick the guy who is marginally less bad than the other guy then the other guy would win. When in reality if you weren't a bitch you'd tell both of them to get fucked and actually vote for someone who wants to establish actual personal freedom.
That is of course unless you actually did do that by voting for trump which brings me back to my original question. What the fuck happened to this sub? It's either full of fake stepper fuds who love Trump or it's full of weak cowards who don't actually want to risk standing up for themselves so they vote for corporate shills that do absolutely nothing to protect peoples freedoms.