Anyone else think things are unusually calm out there? Covid is getting worse and the government is getting more dictatorial with lockdowns and businesses keep failing. Haven’t been following the election TBH but there’s tons of sketchy shit and Trump is now starting with lawsuits. Everyone already seems unhappy with Biden, even liberals seem very unexcited (if he actually does wins the election, seems like there may be fraud but I’m out of the loop on that). Getting bad feelings from lots of different odd events
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Prediction if Biden is crowned as king: Mandatory lockdown, massive swathes of people will refuse to comply, police ventilate some black people while they're breaking curfew, riots intensify, nothing changes for the masses of disenfranchised black Americans that voted for Joe because Trump was racist. Uncle Joe may or may not attempt to tell people whether they're black or not for a second time (hint: he'll probably phrase it differently, but insinuate the same thing)... we'll see who makes that cut in his eyes this time around.
Funny, after watching his legal teams briefing today I learned trump has only filed three lawsuits so far. He withdrew one because the suit said election results should not certify in Detroit and the election commission did not certify so there was no longer any reason for the suit. All other lawsuits “failing” are by other individuals/groups, not Trump’s team.
Where do you hear that from?
Rudy Giulianis press briefing from the 19th, during the end Q&A session.
The one where he asks a reporter where she's from and everyone laughs when she says she's from CNN?
Hop on the donald for like 30 minutes, but yes we are at the calm before the storm. Something big will happen, but who knows what. My thoughts are the Chinese are going to do something after the 5 eyes accused them of doing what the Chinese do
The whole world is circling like sharks and now there's blood in the water.
I should really put out a "World Events Bingo" board for 2021-2024. China makes an aggressive territorial play with their military? Major military flashpoint event involving Turkey? United States begins operations in Mexico against the cartels (possibly in response to a political/terror attack)? Ground offensive on the South American continent?
The USA is weak now with how COVID has effected us and now Biden at the helm, China will put greater force on HK and Taiwan
HK is over, the mainland and CCP have total control of it now. Next will be Taiwan and Biden will just let it happen. Once it does we'll be shutting down bases abroad and bringing everyone home as we defund the military because at that point our mutual defense agreements are worthless.
Not sure if you've been paying attention, but China did make an aggressive territorial play with their military against India and got their asses handed to them by the Indians. There was also a flashpoint involving Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan that now has Russian troops patrolling the contested area.
Haven't seen Mexico or South America...I mean the 80's haven't called and wanted their foreign policy back yet...
I'm talking an open major offensive ground war with the Turkey situation. You're right about China, didn't consider that... I was more thinking about troops/tanks in the street in Taiwan when I wrote that.
I was trying to make some semi-long shot calls with the Mexico/South America stuff.
Imho Erdogan is a mad zealot and the biggest threat towards world peace.
Mexico might be pretty nice if we gigged those anarcho-satanists
The only people China can bring military force against in strength are Taiwan and counties that China shares a boarder with.
The Marines are prepping for hard & fast island hopping to counter the South China Sea island bases China is so thirsty for
China wants no parts of the US military
Something about being glassed into a parking lot would probably do that...
That's litterally all T_D says...
I think a lot of people have known something was coming and have for a while now. The ammo is pretty well gone, gone and I've seen shortages before, but this has been...different. Back during 2013 - 2016 I could find .40 and hunting ammo in .243, .270, and .30-06 as well as plenty of shotgun shells were on the shelf. Even the sporting clays stuff is gone and the ultra expensive waterfowl shells are getting thin. Also the constant shortages on body armor as well and pouches, you name it. People are gearing up for war.
Yep, I knew shit was getting serious when I stopped finding 6.5 Carcano.
Don't know if no one getting 6.5 Carcano makes Presidents feel safe because no one can buy it, or feel unsafe because people that would use it already have it
I mean, we're selling bulk 9mm JHP and .223 HPBT, as well as 20 round boxes of .308. Should have 200k rounds of 300BO coming in within a month or so.
We have to pay out the ass to get it though, and so we have to sell it at ridiculous prices too. But yeah, this definitely feels different than any previous boom cycles.
Our sales have tripled since the election "results". People are gearing up for sure.
I need primers so fucking bad.
I'm playing Option Straddles on $SPY. I'll be right on one side. IDK. All time highs on the market.... We may be looking at a correction like 2000 or 2007.
This lockdown BS needs to stop. If this kung flu nonsense goes on much longer there isn't going to be an economy to save.
Don’t be racist.
It’s called Flu Gu Gai Pan
Markets are even more overvalued now than they were in 1929. We've mostly pulled out of the market and are holding on to liquidity at the moment. I'm glad we have a bunch of farmland. We can eat rice and beans for a long time. At the same time guess what the tyrants come for first when things go to shit...
The Great Reset is upon us. The goal is to crash the economy, then seize all assets in exchange for debts being forgiven, then no more private property, and massive surveillance state which will require all citizens to move to major cities. I’ll be dying on my home’s front steps, hopefully next to a few cops in my yard.
Relax Alex Jones, this wont happen, the gov isnt that competent
I don't know man they have won the war on poverty, drugs, and Christmas
This is why I believe in the right of individuals to own private nuclear weapons.
Recreational nukes to be used while we’re on recreational Crystal methamphetamine
Even my boomer, old school Dad finally said some Unintended Consequences stuff without my prompting the other day. I immidiately bought another 1k 7.62 like a startled lemming
John's been working on squeal to UC for a while, but gets about 150 pages in and "reality becomes weirder than the shit I can dream up and I have to start over".
Nothing ever happens.
Things have been happening. What people don't seem to remember is that the time between incidents tend to be months apart from each other. Bullets were flying for over a year before the declaration of independence. And other shit had been going on for nearly a decade before Lexington Green.
There were skirmishes along the Missouri/Kansas border for years before the guns fired on Ft. Sumter.
It's just these events are bridged by a couple of a sentences or maybe a paragraph in our history books.
The powder keg is primed. I don't know what will set it off, but something will. It might be a SCOTUS ruling in the next few weeks. It maybe the actions of a Biden administration six months from now.
A friend of mine was running for state rep in 2018. I was at a lunch with policy wonks after spending the morning listening to a bunch of numbers geeks presenting data. It was a very quite lunch as everyone sitting there knew what the data was saying: we were in for a decade of unrest no matter what in the 2020's. It was time to start preparing the state and we spent most of last year working on policy outlines and draft legislation. Ironically the first thing on the agenda was to build up state level medical supplies and trying to get $35M in funding to buy PPE and a couple million doses of some common generic drugs so the state wouldn't have to rely on FEMA. A draft bill was circulating around when COVID hit, the session ended prematurely, and nothing happened especially since the state budget was about to be blown to hell and back.
I'm just waiting for electoral college vote and then the Georgia run off.