You've gotta love yourself more ways than with your hand. Take the time to make the little things more enjoyable. I won't turn up my nose at Folgers, light beer, or a whiskey/Coke, but taking the time and effort to treat yourself to good coffee, decent beer, and a solid Old Fashioned or Manhattan here and there makes you feel special... after you've wined and dined yourself and feel all special and important, THEN that's when you beat that dick so hard that you make your foreskin remnants look like cauliflower ear.
We would have been happy with some freeze dried Folgers taster's choice and you break out this gourmet shit!
You've gotta love yourself more ways than with your hand. Take the time to make the little things more enjoyable. I won't turn up my nose at Folgers, light beer, or a whiskey/Coke, but taking the time and effort to treat yourself to good coffee, decent beer, and a solid Old Fashioned or Manhattan here and there makes you feel special... after you've wined and dined yourself and feel all special and important, THEN that's when you beat that dick so hard that you make your foreskin remnants look like cauliflower ear.
My man! (Fist bump)
Well said.
I just drink whatever coffee mom serves with the breakfast tendies