I might be in the minority, but I love my 1911. It might jam occasionally, but it's still fun. And I still think it's one of the better looking pistols out there.
The only read the Hi Power exists is cause colt had the 1911 patent. It was finally made reliable when that patent ran out and they could copy key systems. It's not different enough for me to consider it a truly separate platform. Kinda like how all striker fired guns are pretty much the same to me. Browning wanted to just re chamber it first 9mm and call it good for the French army but that wasn't possible. Hence, the Hi Power exists.
My point was its plenty serious. 70+ years and counting of special operations use for a reason. Not arguing the glock can handle more mud and shit and stay functioning though.
The 1911 uses a barrel link, the hi-power a cam notch. Also the hi-power was designed by Browning at the start and finished by a brilliant Belgian named Dieudonne Saive.
Same dude who invented the FAL in fact.
Also the 1911 has a grip safety and mag disconnect, huge fundamental differences as well as the hinge vs sliding trigger shoe.
They are similar in that many guns are descended from the 1911.
But ya know what? I misspoke. Any handgun in decent quality in skilled hands is perfectly suitable. And i want to shoot your Ed Brown.
The HK45C was my answer to needing a .45 badass combat pistol, yours may vary and i say cheers to you.
Why does it use a cam notch? Cause he couldn't just recreate the 1911 and extend the magazine. The gun was never finished until the 1911 patent ran out and key systems from the 1911 could be copied.
Saive finished the hi power with 1911 components is what I'm saying. There were key systems in the 1911 they weren't able to re-engineer different enough to get the hi power to work.
They're both great. But the truth is Browning would've barely modified the 1911 and sold it to the french military if he could. Why not work less and get paid?
The FAL is great too.
"FN commissioned John Browning to design a new military sidearm conforming to this specification. Browning had previously sold the rights to his successful M1911 U.S. Army automatic pistol to Colt's Patent Firearms, and was therefore forced to design an entirely new pistol while working around the M1911 patents."
"The Wild Bunch"
"Way of the Gun"
Two movies that would have been weird without the 1911. Or the 9mm variants they used in wild bunch as .45s didn't cycle blanks that well then.
Carried one for years. After a while you find all the sharp edges.
Whenever someone in a film noir busts out the 1911, you knew bodies were about to get stacked
I fucking love film noir.
I might be in the minority, but I love my 1911. It might jam occasionally, but it's still fun. And I still think it's one of the better looking pistols out there.
Totally not my bug out bag pistol, though.
I still own a few. But yeah, they have heen supplanted for anything serious by other gats. Gats made in Oberndorf.
Define serious. If it's low percentage shots at 50.... I'm grabbing my Ed Brown before my Glock.
First off, ed brown is a sexy pistol. I have shot high dolla TRPs and les baers but not one of those.
2nd, what i really should have said is that the 1911 is a system where you have spare parts, gats and ability to repair.
They're cool guns if you want to get into them. I've always loved them but also HKs. My favorite steel framed gat is the almighty FN hi-power.
The only read the Hi Power exists is cause colt had the 1911 patent. It was finally made reliable when that patent ran out and they could copy key systems. It's not different enough for me to consider it a truly separate platform. Kinda like how all striker fired guns are pretty much the same to me. Browning wanted to just re chamber it first 9mm and call it good for the French army but that wasn't possible. Hence, the Hi Power exists.
My point was its plenty serious. 70+ years and counting of special operations use for a reason. Not arguing the glock can handle more mud and shit and stay functioning though.
The 1911 uses a barrel link, the hi-power a cam notch. Also the hi-power was designed by Browning at the start and finished by a brilliant Belgian named Dieudonne Saive.
Same dude who invented the FAL in fact.
Also the 1911 has a grip safety and mag disconnect, huge fundamental differences as well as the hinge vs sliding trigger shoe.
They are similar in that many guns are descended from the 1911.
But ya know what? I misspoke. Any handgun in decent quality in skilled hands is perfectly suitable. And i want to shoot your Ed Brown.
The HK45C was my answer to needing a .45 badass combat pistol, yours may vary and i say cheers to you.
Guns and America forever, Uncle Scruffy
Why does it use a cam notch? Cause he couldn't just recreate the 1911 and extend the magazine. The gun was never finished until the 1911 patent ran out and key systems from the 1911 could be copied.
Saive finished the hi power with 1911 components is what I'm saying. There were key systems in the 1911 they weren't able to re-engineer different enough to get the hi power to work.
They're both great. But the truth is Browning would've barely modified the 1911 and sold it to the french military if he could. Why not work less and get paid?
The FAL is great too.
"FN commissioned John Browning to design a new military sidearm conforming to this specification. Browning had previously sold the rights to his successful M1911 U.S. Army automatic pistol to Colt's Patent Firearms, and was therefore forced to design an entirely new pistol while working around the M1911 patents."
Imagine only having seven fucking rounds in a mag
-this post made by 12rds of .45 USP Gang
You can always duct tape a couple of 1911's together and get 18 rounds in approximately the same form factor.
Carry more mags fucko
Liking this because you said “fucko”
Fucko the Clown says, "Join the ATF, fellow kids." ?
Fuck a reload, just shoot em in the face.
-Jack "Big Dick" Wilson
How about I carry more mags with a non-retarded capacity though. Double stack gang gang
iMaGiNe rElOaDiNg
The Nambu Type 14 is the Lugers retarded little brother...
Stoppin' Powaaaa