34 What are you guys going to spend your "trump gibs" on? posted 4 years ago by hailXenu 4 years ago by hailXenu +34 / -0 I'm building an AR10, with an acog and a pallet of .308. What about you guys? Meme guns for shitposting? Oddball ammo? Yet another glock? 54 comments share 54 comments share save hide report block hide replies
If it's $600 I'll probably just save it, trying to buy a house/land in the future.
If they really do pull off a full $2k I'm buying NODs because this country is going to shit and I want to own the night when it hits the fan.
Where are you getting nods for 2k?
I’m getting mine free off some dead dumbass
Even i could afford that.
Now that's the answer.
$2800, NV for $800 out of pocket is officially in reasonable territory for me.
commie nods go for around that much http://rusoptics.com/?module=catalog&action=viewcatalog&id=9
They’ll probably hurt you more than help you
That's what the live fleshlight is for, you get another 2k for being with it
The price is too high.
That's gay. If it's dark out and I need to see something I'll just use my muzzle flash. Touch off a couple rounds, check your surroundings and engage targets. You don't need any fancy night eyes just some common sense.