Communists seizing power got ya down? Worried that your czech mail order bride don't love you any more and is just faking those orgasms when she dresses as mary todd lincoln?
Sounds like you need some comfort food and a way to talk svetlana into really commiting to that prostate milking.
Happily i can help with the comfort food, that other thing i'd just advise against fake nails due to internal bleeding.
Go ahead and make sure every gun in the house is loaded and that you're drinking. Clothing optional but hot grease spatter burns fucking bad.
Dice up half a good yellow onion, start john moses browning a lb of hamburger, i used 85% my local place does. Throw that onion in along with a shit ton of salt and pepper, mustard in about 1/4 cup, ketchup in same amount, a few healthy sprays of Worcestershire sauce. Mix that stuff around! Brown the hamburger and cook all that goodness into it.
You're looking for most of the sauce and delicious grease cooking into the meat, good done burger and all that stuff cooked into a nice semi cohesive mass.
One thing a great many people don't think about is overthreat in a limited environment and threat envelope. Meaning that if you get in a fight with some dbags with handguns and you pull a short rifle you have a decisive advantage. This also applies to the grocery store when that fucking bitch cuts in front of you at the meat counter. Yes, i fucking see you there and fuck no you can't have the last steak on clearance you basic bitch.
Go ahead and cut some Hawaiian sweet rolls in half and think about Hawaiian shirts and a government that obeys and cares deeply for the will of the people and is earnestly responsive to their needs. Spoon a good measure of meat onto the bread and top how you want. The sandwich will be better for you than any cunt in charge. I like mustard and pickles on the side.
There you go, guns and red meat are proven to stop the spread of communism, as is basic understanding of economics.
As always i am your beloved uncle Scruffy here to tell you to keep strong and keep going, so long as free autists play with guns and have hope America abides!
A meal like this can really only be accompanied by the classiest of beverages. I’d reccommend a solid cognac, Louis XIII de Rémy Martin should do the trick. Look in meth’s fathers cabinet. Chug it.
Okay, now on to the drink. Grab a bottle of rye from the bottom shelf and a couple of beers. Make sure you have at least two Guns on your person and three within reaching distance. Preference given to 80%ers right now.
Remember how Biden wanted to take your AR14s? You think he’s gonna leave your tendies and meth alone when you’ve no chance of defending them? An argument can be made that many Commies can be killed with everyday household items but obviously if you have to stack bodies that will get tedious. Grab some superfine sugar and lemons, too.
Toss the whiskey on some ice and throw in the sugar, some orange liquor, and a squeeze of lemon. Get a good bar spoon and stir it well; we aren’t fucking animals here so no goddamn shaking. I mean, we are animals and really only understand poosi and boolits but still. Strain it into a fancy glass and sip on it. If you rest your closest AR on the windowsill it’s actually a good setup for hanging out on watch. Make sure to prep a big batch because they go fast.
It's all about the layering of flavors. There are as many maidrite recipes as there are midwest families mah dude. Some call for brown sugar and some call for water added. I like the use of ketchup and mustard both to add moisture and flavor, plus Worcestershire which is as necessary in any kitchen as a loaded gun. ESSENTIAL.
Greetings you beautiful autists!
Communists seizing power got ya down? Worried that your czech mail order bride don't love you any more and is just faking those orgasms when she dresses as mary todd lincoln?
Sounds like you need some comfort food and a way to talk svetlana into really commiting to that prostate milking.
Happily i can help with the comfort food, that other thing i'd just advise against fake nails due to internal bleeding.
Go ahead and make sure every gun in the house is loaded and that you're drinking. Clothing optional but hot grease spatter burns fucking bad.
Dice up half a good yellow onion, start john moses browning a lb of hamburger, i used 85% my local place does. Throw that onion in along with a shit ton of salt and pepper, mustard in about 1/4 cup, ketchup in same amount, a few healthy sprays of Worcestershire sauce. Mix that stuff around! Brown the hamburger and cook all that goodness into it.
You're looking for most of the sauce and delicious grease cooking into the meat, good done burger and all that stuff cooked into a nice semi cohesive mass.
One thing a great many people don't think about is overthreat in a limited environment and threat envelope. Meaning that if you get in a fight with some dbags with handguns and you pull a short rifle you have a decisive advantage. This also applies to the grocery store when that fucking bitch cuts in front of you at the meat counter. Yes, i fucking see you there and fuck no you can't have the last steak on clearance you basic bitch.
Go ahead and cut some Hawaiian sweet rolls in half and think about Hawaiian shirts and a government that obeys and cares deeply for the will of the people and is earnestly responsive to their needs. Spoon a good measure of meat onto the bread and top how you want. The sandwich will be better for you than any cunt in charge. I like mustard and pickles on the side.
There you go, guns and red meat are proven to stop the spread of communism, as is basic understanding of economics.
As always i am your beloved uncle Scruffy here to tell you to keep strong and keep going, so long as free autists play with guns and have hope America abides!
Uncle Scruffy
A meal like this can really only be accompanied by the classiest of beverages. I’d reccommend a solid cognac, Louis XIII de Rémy Martin should do the trick. Look in meth’s fathers cabinet. Chug it.
Okay, now on to the drink. Grab a bottle of rye from the bottom shelf and a couple of beers. Make sure you have at least two Guns on your person and three within reaching distance. Preference given to 80%ers right now.
Remember how Biden wanted to take your AR14s? You think he’s gonna leave your tendies and meth alone when you’ve no chance of defending them? An argument can be made that many Commies can be killed with everyday household items but obviously if you have to stack bodies that will get tedious. Grab some superfine sugar and lemons, too.
Toss the whiskey on some ice and throw in the sugar, some orange liquor, and a squeeze of lemon. Get a good bar spoon and stir it well; we aren’t fucking animals here so no goddamn shaking. I mean, we are animals and really only understand poosi and boolits but still. Strain it into a fancy glass and sip on it. If you rest your closest AR on the windowsill it’s actually a good setup for hanging out on watch. Make sure to prep a big batch because they go fast.
Damn that sounds good.
Gotta try this one
You, sir, are a National treasure.
Thanks nephew, may your tendies and meth be hot, spicy and disease free.
Threat advantage and envelope is why everyone should always have a suppressed SBS on them at all times
Suppressed shotguns are theeeeee sex.
Dumpsters need defending.
I often wonder how those poor doomed bastards are doing.
Funny enough, how you and that gent feel about pickles is how i feel about smith and wesson automatic pistols.
It's all about the layering of flavors. There are as many maidrite recipes as there are midwest families mah dude. Some call for brown sugar and some call for water added. I like the use of ketchup and mustard both to add moisture and flavor, plus Worcestershire which is as necessary in any kitchen as a loaded gun. ESSENTIAL.
Looks like Chinet. Way to flex, uncle scrooge.
I'm so cheap i use the same vegetable oil i cook with as lube. Even reuse it. The bits of potato add texture.