As thousands of national guardsmen who aren't trusted with live rounds stand guard over a communist shill inauguration it might be a natural thought to ask yourself how not to not be victimized by the government agencies you've funded with your tax dollars you had no consent over. Don't worry fam, i got you.
If someone asks you to make them a short barrel shotgun, ask them flat out if they're lon horiuchi in disguise. If it is, he's just trying to get you to do that so he can kill uour wife and dogs. Plus anyone that doesn't know how to do that is too stupid to have a gun anyway.
Carefully note the difference between an opinion statement and direct threats of violence. I can perfectly legally say that biden is the most disgraceful piece of shit i have seen in memory and he strikes me as the kind of guy that likes to hang outside grade schools and sniff bicycle seats. That's perfectly legal.
Threats of violence are not. Clear differences bby.
Be aware that anything you do that could draw legal scrutiny could make everything even worse if it comes out you love guns/tendies and a constitutionalist view of government. Everyone likes cockfights and paying extra for the champagne room but they'll get you eventually. Also DUIs and shit.
Knock on any parked vans you see on or near your block. If they answer you might see a titty if they parked to have sex. Or they might be feds. If they're feds they probably won't show you any titties unless they're a t f in which case they are men with bigger titties than your meth.
If you're captured don't tell them about that thing with the horse, the 9 iron, fifty gallons of tapioca and all those rounds of .32acp. It's a secret.
Did you buy those full auto glock sears on wish? Lol jk. If you did you wouldn't be reading this from your lock up. Don't buy full auto parts online.
Sometimes when you're at work, try not to scream at people about how hot dogs don't need ketchup as they are already sweet and that the 2nd amendment means factory new full autos for all. Believe it or not some people are ok living life without full auto imported machine guns with factory suppressors and no background checks. Fags!
Check again under your wife's side of the bed to make sure lon horiuchi isn't hiding there either. He's a stubborn bastard and he's always looking to kill more wives. Legend has it that the day someone can fit more dicks into their mouth at once than he can claim his mighty magic sniper rifle "spouse killer"
Stay alive and stay beautiful autists. Don't fall for traps and stay ahead o'them soy boys out to get ya.
As always, America and Guns for ever, Uncle Scruffy
Youre the only family I ever care to have.
You're a hell of a nephew. Proud of ya.
Start off every morning looking into a mirror and say "Am I being detained" and "I want my lawyer" a few times. That will make it easier for you when they come to you
Make sure to speak loudly enough through the black bag over your head to be heard!
You sir, have third worlded.
What if he really really looks like a girl from behind?
Lube up, slide in and don't ask too many questions i guess fren.
If it burns when you piss or you gots the hiv go to the free clinic. Good luck!
Dark times are ahead. The kind we have been waiting for.
Honestly bby, i kept and still keep waiting for an age of enlightenment to sweep this, the most beautiful country on planet earth. A time where civility and personal liberty all go hand in hand with the common good of society and where gun control and bland food are not tolerated.
Instead, we get the most disgraceful shitheads I've seen in my lifetime steal an election. Sigh.
I should add that, especially from today on. Always make sure to thank glorious leader Biden. He is immeasurably handsome and posses Solomons wisdom. He was born in a mountain top surrounded by Griffens and he can easily shoot pistols at rifle ranges. He would never hurt us.
Can i have your pudding at reeducation camp?
Maggots and all
Looks like it’s to the gulag with you, as you forgot to mention
Blackface Hillarythe STUNNING and BRAVE thoroughly non-corrupt not-a-shill glorious first feemail VP Kamala ‘Grabem’ Harris who definitely didn’t rise to power in extremely shady circumstances involving open adultery and naked corruption mixed with draconian enforcement laws that ruined many families of the black lives that matter so much to her.I checked under my wife's bed and it's clear but she doesn't seem interested in revenge for Waco. Is my wife Lon Horiuchi?
Did she ever have a sponsorship deal with troy for about 5 minutes before they realized it was pr suicide?
Does she volunteer at the local animal rescue league to euthanize animals with a bolt action 300 win mag?
Finally, take her to a gun show. If the sight of all those people enjoying the 2nd amendment makes her want to shoot someone's wife you're prolly married to lon horiuchi.
Good luck fren!
The trick here is to find a cockfighting venue with a champagne room.
We could hang out some time.
Every cockfighting has a champagne room if you’re driving a van.