42 Are there any actual laws preventing us from dropping a couple of cases of freedom pills on the ground at this parking garage? Asking for a friend. (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by LessAndLessIronic 4 years ago by LessAndLessIronic +43 / -1 9 comments download share 9 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That's pretty much a building full of british cops in camo pajamas.
Not trusted with guns? Just like british cops.
Not allowed different opinions? See above.
Not allowing free speech? See above again.
Being useless ornaments? Lol guess what bby.
Motherfuckers turned Americans in uniform into (shudders and snarls) british cops.
I'm way too anti authoritarian to ever even have considered that life but i honestly feel bad for anyone in the services that loves America.
Literally, the armed guards with Springfield xds that service the ATMs at my local bodega are mote trusted than American soldiers.
tbh, when you are a pawn, you get treated as such.
You don't pick where you go
Just like a pawn.
Don’t worry Biden and the neocons will be sending them back to the Middle East before you can leave them a care package
As unjust and inhuman as it is, there are laws against public defecation in most places.
It's funny that state universities used to be free to taxpayers..
I think they are still free -- just not to taxpayers.