38 Hey glock fags. I can shoot. 22 Shorts. And 22 lr. And stir hotstf. and hang stuff winner pee-pee. Take that!!!!!!!!! (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by trailerman168233 4 years ago by trailerman168233 +39 / -1 16 comments download share 16 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I have never seen a photo call it’s photographer poor in so many languages.
rearranges $200 HK-brand mat charcuterie setup
I'll remember...............
2k floor speaking up. Ty. No. Fu.
Are u posting from Eastern Europe?
Yes. durnk indiana.
Oh, wow, I forgot there was a place worse than West Virginia and the Ukraine. Did National Geographic post this picture for you? Not sure how else you'd get such a clear photo or access to internet faster than 28.8K.
No feet you faggot.
The rust on that rifle is starting to give me anxeity
Its called patina....
REEEEES in Mark Novak
Wait... ho'dup.... that kindling?
That's a pretty wicked fully semiautomatic assault weapon with the high capacity thing that goes up.
Spot on, fren
Shot is shot....
Nice cooey... Any time I go out shooting I bring mine